Wifi is outdated.

Nov. 9th, 2005|07:13 pm: Got an apartment today! They called me and let me know that I’m approved for the duplex that Jammie & I looked at on Monday. So yay! Went and put a deposit down on it and I guess I can move in next week after they’ve finished cleaning it up. That happened quick. Kept the kids last night. Since I have no fridge or microwave or even food, we went to McDonald’s for breakfast. The cashier noticed the kids’ Chicken Little toys and said, “Oh, that’s a good movie! My husband downloaded that last night and we watched it.” Another cashier said, “Isn’t that illegal?” She replied, “No, my husband does a thing where it’s legal!” Does such a legal thing exist? That lets you download movies that have only been in the theaters for a few days? I think her husband is fooling her…

At the school office, some little girl was trying to call home to her dad. The secretary said he probably would be at work so he’s not going to answer at home. I heard the number she gave and immediately put my useless phoneloserish knowledge of area phone exchanges to good use by saying, “That’s not a home phone. It’s a T-Mobile cell.” I was right, of course.

This evening I went on a quest to find a new battery for my Pocket PC since my old one died. I drove to Salem and tried Office Max, Office Depot, Circuit City, Target, Best Buy, Staples. Somewhere else, too, but I can’t remember. In Target, I was talking to Jammie on my cell and I said, “Oh yeah, kcochran said my old Target supervisor works here now. Maybe I’ll see her.” Less than a minute later I said, “Uh…I just walked past my old supervisor. Lemme call you back.” I was surprised that after almost 10 years, she still remembered me, Colleen and Emily. I showed her updated pictures of Emily since she hadn’t seen her since she was just a few months old. Is that normal – for someone who I just worked with for only a few months once in 1996 to still remember me? I suck at remembering people. Then again, I did remember her too.

At Circuit City, I was in the PDA isle and some customer goes up to an employee and says in a big manly voice, “I need someone who knows about PDAs to show them to me.” The kid opens up the case and starts showing them off, pointing out features. He gets to the part about it having WiFi…

MAN: Wifi is outdated. I don’t want that.
KID: If you need to get on the net, though, wifi is a good way…
MAN: Wifi is outdated. It’s all about broadband now.
KID: I’m just saying, a lot of coffee shops offer the wifi now, so…
MAN: I don’t want wifi on it. That’s outdated.

It seemed to keep going on like that as I walked away. So that was my day. I never found a Pocket PC battery. Or even that many Pocket PCs. Palm seemed to be the popular PDA around here. It was the same way in Idaho, when I was looking for one there. I’d like to just buy the same model of PDA that I have, swap the new battery for my dead one and then return it. It IS still under warranty, after all. I just have my PDA’s box and stuff in storage in Illinois so I can’t return/exchange it legitimately. But nobody sells my Pocket PC in this half of the United States! I guess I just have to find a spare battery on Ebay…

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