Vetrans Day Parade

Nov. 11th, 2005|12:34 pm: Emily called this morning and told me she’s going to be in the Veterans Day parade. So I drove to downtown, parked, hung out in the crowd for over an hour waiting for the parade to start. They had some cool jets fly overhead before the parade – the kind that you can’t hear until after they’re almost gone, then suddenly it’s like thunder for a few seconds. By the time the parade started, it was getting pretty damn cold out. Somehow it didn’t rain at all, though. I barely managed to notice Emily and Payton – they were on the opposite side that I was standing. Luckily I recognized Emily’s bright-green jacket and ran over to them. Ran alongside the trailer they were in for about a block, talking to them and snapping a few pictures. Here’s some pictures of grown men in skirts, then a few of the kids…

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