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Alton Online Guestbook

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FROM - ChunkNorth Carolina
TOPIC - Photo
12/31/02 00:59:30 - MESSAGE #305

My grandmother lived at 406 vine st.,alton Ill. She was very special to me and i was devestated upon her death in 1991. Her house was very old being build in hte 1800's. I havn'y been back to alton since her death and don't have the means to return to alton right now. I desparately want a photo of her house,it holds alot of good memories.
I someone could email me a photo I would be very appreciative

FROM - CReiskeTexas
TOPIC - Gotta love it!
10/28/02 19:35:04 - MESSAGE #279

I grew up in Rosewood Heights. I found this website
by mistake and love it. I had to post a message because I saw the previous message posted from Rhonda
from Rosewood Heights. It's a small world.

FROM - RhondaCalifornia
TOPIC - Thanks
10/27/02 16:26:51 - MESSAGE #278

I grew up in Rosewood Heights, went to Roxana High School, lived and worked in Alton for a while. I now live in the Los Angeles area but still have family and friends back there and try to get back at least once or twice a year. I accidentally stumbled across your web-site today. It gave me a greatly needed laugh because I can totally relate! Keep up the good work!
Too funny.

FROM - Pam JMuncie, IN
TOPIC - Cemetaries in Alton
10/15/02 14:45:54 - MESSAGE #274

We are researching a family from the alton area. He was buried in a cemetary by Alton. Also, grew up and went to a catholic church. The family name is Dean. If anyone know anything about a Dean family from the area it would be very helpful.
Pam J

FROM - oldmikealton
TOPIC - new city hall
09/30/02 09:33:08 - MESSAGE #268

the new city hall should go in at the mall.always lots of room and its for could finance a lot fire works shows with the rent income.

FROM - ArbieAlton, IL
TOPIC - Don't Mess With Texas!
08/27/02 12:32:56 - MESSAGE #257

Damn Erica, you've been living in Texas for all these years and you think Texas is the LONG Star State? I hope that was just a typo and you're not really that slow.


TOPIC - Move on Carpetbagger
08/27/02 12:22:16 - MESSAGE #256

Move on carpetbagger. You made me sick yankee transplant.

FROM - Erica Day/WoodardAlton Ill.
TOPIC - So long to a good thing
08/25/02 19:00:57 - MESSAGE #255

I left Alton when I was a teenager. I was very proud of the fact that I was from Alton. Now I live in Texas and have gladly given up my Alton roots for the Long star State. Gotta Love Texas!!!!

FROM - jeff scuderenorton ma
TOPIC - funny shit
08/16/02 18:38:33 - MESSAGE #249

Left Alton 30 years ago....always thought of us as something.... ....well somrthing different.....BAM.....IT HIT ME....WE FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!

FROM - MooneyGodfrey
TOPIC - SHipman
07/10/02 14:34:09 - MESSAGE #224

Just saw a funny sign in shipman, they will
be opening a new business there soon, one
that serves....YOGART! (Yogurt)

06/17/02 23:43:22 - MESSAGE #208

Just found site today,love it already! Alton is a great historical area. Naysayers: try a new prospec-tive, please! Born here, have traveled everywhere, still miss this area, family, good friends, many old memories that stay fresh. There are better places, worse places, but Alton is unique. Only the people living there can improve or disapprove, the rest of us look on and hope the 'old' qualities sustain, 'new' changes revive. I'll be back this fall to view the change of seasons with my grown daughter who has never experienced the color of the River Road, the eagles, the monuments, the cemetaries of the ancestors and the the schools 'mom' attended where I had that great 1950s lifestyle with a terrific bunch of people, many of whom are still there. Be proud of Alton, it will be proud of you! You make your own life, not the town.

FROM - heatheralton -
05/30/02 12:57:56 - MESSAGE #200

Great site! Too accurate to be funny. thank god I left 10 years ago! am now living in orlando, fl and have found that the rest of the world is not as dysfunctional as Alton. But i can't believe people still live there! To those of you who do, I say this: Move! If you cant afford to fly or drive, then walk. get as far away as you can! I am telling you this for your own good.

FROM - MuffyEast Alton
TOPIC - Awesome
05/23/02 02:41:54 - MESSAGE #192

I just wanted you to know that I think this site is awesome.. You have quite a few things from Eastgate Cinema. Did you work there? I even saw the exit signs that you have that belonged to the theatre. Actually, I work there now. Did you have anything to do with the "Look Back" page? I was thinking about doing a page on the theatre, but I am not sure if I will.. Email me and we can compare notes.

FROM - Carol Arizona
05/19/02 11:53:05 - MESSAGE #191

Originally I am from Cottage Hills,but now live in Phoenix. I have relatives from all over the area, and I found your makes me homesick, but also very happy i can look at the pictures, etc and helps me remember what life is like in a small town.

FROM - val_62024alton
TOPIC - hello
05/02/02 01:00:36 - MESSAGE #177

hello those are great pics. i am from alton and have lived here all my life. some of the pictures were even taken off my street. i have the most besutiful view of the bridge from here

FROM - Robert OliverChicago
04/18/02 10:27:07 - MESSAGE #170

You have a cool site!

Discover Our Secret

FROM - Sarah LockyerBeer, Somerset, England
TOPIC - What a lovely town you have!
04/01/02 07:46:19 - MESSAGE #163

I have come to this web site somewhat by mistake but i found it quite amusing anyway.

My great grand father WJ Lockyer emigrated from England to America in the 1870's and ended up (for his sins) in Alton Illinois. He is supposed to have some kind of mine in the area and had to eventually leave Alton because angry residents chased him with guns for causing subsidence to their houses.

There are many stories surrounding my esteemed ancestor, he was a life long teetotaller who ended up living in a place called Beer Somerset and he is thought to have been a bigamist, with another wife somewhere in Illinois.

Somerset has it's fair share of yokels, and is probably the English equivalent of the Alton.

I was thinking of visiting your town but now i definately want to come experience that midwestern magic!

FROM - Ranya "homegirl" AbboudAlt inn -
TOPIC - Alt inn
03/10/02 19:35:19 - MESSAGE #153

Yo! I just wanna give it up from my dawgs...not living there no more, but still represening where Im at. Kristin...hey girl, hows your babys daddy?
Ranya A.A.

FROM - ChuckieFresno CA
TOPIC - Good stuff
03/10/02 12:23:35 - MESSAGE #152

Man I thought Fresno was bad!!!! Damn Alton seems like a very swell place!! I'm going to move, and work at the Steak and Shake!!!

FROM - 7th Grade teacheracross the river
02/16/02 21:42:37 - MESSAGE #141

Very Funny!--I've been trying to convince my husband that I like Alton because the people are very down-to-earth. This website proves my point. Thanks

FROM - Kim (future Altonian)Washington D.C.
TOPIC - Moving to Alton
02/15/02 23:49:58 - MESSAGE #139

We're thinking of moving to Alton if my husband gets a job at SIUE. I always loved Alton as a kid. We're from St. Louis and we used to shop for antiques there. I still have tons of stuff I acquired in Alton. My brothers were born there.

Well, now we live in Washington DC and are faced with the prospect of moving back that way. I just wanted to check on-line and see how Alton is doing. Your website has made us both feel more positive about moving back to the midwest. It's the best small town website we've seen hands down.

One of our other options is Omaha, Nebraska. Just, please God, not that.

FROM - MIke TerpeningAlton/Brighton -
TOPIC - Word
01/25/02 22:18:22 - MESSAGE #135

Yo man, funny site. I would love to write for you though, as being an Altoneer myself. Email me, I think the name proves I am an idiot. Ha ha.....yeah.

FROM - JamieAlton
TOPIC - Awesome site...
12/04/01 11:02:47 - MESSAGE #126

I was surfing around for a school project to do on Alton, and I came across this had me laughing so hard, I couldn't see. :) This is an awesome site....keep up the great work!

FROM - That1GuyAlton -
TOPIC - Nice site
11/09/01 18:11:36 - MESSAGE #115

Good to see the PLA hasn't slowed down it's efforts of pissing off every living soul left in Alton.

Keep up the good work, and be on the look-out for to give you a run for your money.


Shameless Promotions

FROM - Julie F.Free Video Land :)
TOPIC - Free UFO Videos + Free UFO Photos
10/13/01 16:08:51 - MESSAGE #108

Excellent website thank you!

Do you have free UFO video links ?
We have a huge collection of free internet UFO videos for you to see.

There is a new collection of free UFO videos and updated UFO links at our friends website with news and some interesting UFO and Space related photos. Everyone is welcome. Please visit our UFO club and UFO survey guestbook to share your experience. Do extraterrestrials exist? ... Yes we think so, the galaxy is so vast.

Hope to see you there.
Lets keep in touch.
Best wishes,

Lisa and Julie :)

Free UFO Videos and lectures

FROM - TommyRoxana
10/09/01 20:28:40 - MESSAGE #107

I find it hard to believe that something this cool exists around here! This site is great! Thank you everyone who has made this site possible!

FROM - dumba55no1massachusetts
TOPIC - damn funny site
10/06/01 09:23:58 - MESSAGE #105


FROM - Jim WilliamsonFlorida
TOPIC - Alton-online
09/24/01 13:36:51 - MESSAGE #103

Hi, just wanted to let you know, I stumbled across the Alton-Online site quite by accident, and it's a riot.

I was searching for a particular BBS software, and on one of the pages I ended up on I ran across something about WWIV BBS, so I decide to read it, left me laughing. Had to surf the rest of this site, and in doing so I read an article about terrorizing a 7-11, the article mentions Hit 'N Run, and never having seen a Hit 'N Run anywhere but back home, I had to try to decide if the author of the article was from back home ( I moved away from Alton about 18 months ago, to Florida)

My keyword search of "Hit 'N Run Alton" led me to Alton-online. Glad someone else has a good sense of humor there too. Just had to say I liked it and it left me chuckling all day, downloading the Hardee's happy birthday thing now, since my brother works at the Godfrey hardee's I figure it should be a blast, maybe I'll send it to him.

FROM - PdiddyWood River, IL
TOPIC - site
09/06/01 10:33:01 - MESSAGE #93

Nice site! I've been laughing my ass off. Keep up the good work guys!