Dead Cat

Oct. 27th, 2005|05:32 pm: This is my sad cat story of the day. I drove to my dad’s house and was hanging out and talking to him. At some point in the conversation I said, “By the way, did you notice the dead cat in front of your house?” He starts asking me to describe it and he looks out the window and sees that it’s a neighbor’s cat which belongs to a few grade school kids. I look at the clock and mention that maybe we should go get it out of the street before the kids get home and see their dead cat in the street.

So I get a trash bag and an old towel, set the cat onto the bag and move it next to my parents’ garage. The cats eyes were still open and it’s body was still warm. It hadn’t been squished or anything so it wasn’t even gross. But it was kinda gross anyway since it was a dead cat. Only a minute passed before the neighbor came home with the kids all in her van. My dad went over and quietly told her the news. And that’s my good deed for the year – making sure a bunch of 2nd graders weren’t devastated at the sight of their dead cat in the middle of the road.

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