New Desktop

This is the best desktop I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jenn’s This is a Recording site and its Electric Dreams tribute. She even has a sheep screen saver from the movie!
This is the best desktop I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jenn’s This is a Recording site and its Electric Dreams tribute. She even has a sheep screen saver from the movie!
Hey!!! A long time ago, like five years ago, My friend and I found a pictures of you on You were about 10 in the picture, and we saved it and other pictues of random people on the internet mostly from and made ya’ll our imaginary friends. We now have a facebook group dedicated to the picture of you. Also we call you Bradley Ramone. We made it up because we didn’t know your real name…but bradley was pretty close I guess. In the 9th grade we told everyone you were my brother that died, and people believed us. We talked about you a lot in the 9th grade pretty much every single day. And don’t be that freaked out. We’re only 19 and aren’t actually stalking you. Just a picture of you.
Oh and also we recenlty remembered that we did that so we looked through the archives of phonelosers to find your picture. If you get a facebook you should join!
Thanks for the plug. ~15 years later it still tickles me pink every time.
Your shameless fangirl ;),