Phone lines, dumpsters and Godaddy
I got overly OCD about my phone lines at my desk today, disconnecting everything and untangling it from the mess of electrical and network wires that wrapped along the walls behind my desk. I put hooks into the underside of the desk to hang the wires from and mounted a 5 port phone jack into the middle of it all. All of the phone wires are off the floor now, completely away from the rest of the wiring. While doing all of this, I had Cool Edit monitoring the line to make sure the background noise level didn’t get too high. I completely eliminated a buzz that was showing up in phone recordings before. I even labeled the lines with my Dymo labeler.

That’s how I spent a few hours of my Sunday. I also disassembled a metal frame that’s been sitting on my back porch for several months and threw it away with some broken chairs. I took it all to a nearby apartment complex and threw it in their dumpster. I was expecting some kind of resistance from the residents for using their dumpster and had arguments all planned out, but I met nobody there.
While I’m taking apart this metal frame, I hear this woman’s taunting voice but I’m not really paying attention to it. But after a second I realize she’s talking to me. She thinks I’m the next door neighbor and says something about me hiding behind my fence. She calls me by my neighbor’s name a couple times during it but doesn’t actually look in my direction. The people next door always have weird drama happening so I don’t know what it was about. I know that if it really was my next door neighbor she’d been talking to, he’d be out there screaming obscenities at her down the street. I bet she wondered why he didn’t.
All of my Godaddy sites were down for about an hour this morning. I joked with murd0c that it was probably because of daylight savings time. Later in the morning, I saw an article on Slashdot, stating that Godaddy was actually having DST issues and that’s why they were down.