Contest video
Emily put some cool stickers on my salt/pepper shakers:

Also, Payton helped me make a video for this Gizmodo contest. If I win, I get an $1,100 HD camera. Since I don’t even have a video camera anymore, that would rule. The contest ends this Thursday. Here’s our entry:
Also, here are some outtakes from that video.
Went to Subway for lunch, checked on our Geocache and hung around the house the rest of the day since it’s been raining.
if you dont have a video camera how did you make the video?
I have a digital camera that does video. But as you can see, the quality isn’t that great.
I lol’d. I think I might enter, if I win I’ll send you the camera since I already have one(pay shipping).
What were all those gadgets?
In the box was my police scanner, an old-school gold and brown red box, a GPS in a bluetooth dock, my Pocket PC and a few random cell phones.
I hope you win! Or me so I don’t have to pay shipping.
So wait, you call Fark tv crap, yet your videos are well, horrible. You might want to take a good look in the mirror sparky
F-you Kip.
I have to go with Becki. Fuck you kip.
I second the nomination. Fuck you kip.