Here’s a picture of the longest game of hopscotch ever. Emily and I did this at the park today. All the kids who tried it ended by saying, “Ow! Ow! My legs hurt!”

This picture is 200 x 5752.
Here’s a picture of the longest game of hopscotch ever. Emily and I did this at the park today. All the kids who tried it ended by saying, “Ow! Ow! My legs hurt!”
This picture is 200 x 5752.
Damn. How long did it take to create?
I must say this is the most 733t game of hopscotch I’ve ever witnessed.
I don’t think that is the longest hopscotch ever. How long is it? I think the longest one is 1030 or so. Anyway, sorry to dissapoint you and all.
Guess what, Danielle? I didn’t think that I held a world record at creating hopscotch.
My daughter and her friends just made a
1000 square hopscotch today, it took
them practically all day. They wanted
me to look up the world record. How do
I do that?
My hopscotch is 1662! want proof email me at jerseygirldevil@hotmail.com
What are you people talking about????
The longest hopscotch in the world is clearly mine, which was 2343. it went about two blocks all the way around so BAM!!
Pacman FTW!
No!! I heard the longest hopscotch was 2 miles long and 10,001 squares!!