Knocked Up
I went and saw Knocked Up tonight. It was girly but I really liked it. Snuck into Spiderman 3 afterwards, but only watched a few minutes before leaving. I decided that I couldn’t bear to watch the entire movie just for the few action scenes that I wanted to see again.
After the movie was over, I listened to Tom Leykis whine on the radio about what a terrible movie it was for 2 hours. He was upset that the girl didn’t get an abortion and that the guy had anything to do with her after getting her pregnant. Tom is entertaining, but he seems to think that anyone who doesn’t live life just like him is a moron. Which means no children ever, and as little responsibility as possible. I’m bored out of my mind enough as it is, only having my kids half the week. I would hate being Tom.
I don’t know what it is with me and flat tires lately, but my bike’s tire is all messed up and needs to be replaced. I think I put a little too much air in it yesterday, which split the side open. I noticed this while biking to the post office this morning to pick up the box of cool stuff Trevelyn sent me. Again. This time I got a Kirby Gameboy Advance game, which the kids are excited about. And lots of other weird, random shit. Thanks, Trevelyn! I also mailed Trevelyn a box of stuff while I was there.
And I received my copy of It’s Not News, It’s FARK. I read a few pages of it while I stood in line at the post office and it didn’t seem too bad. Not that I have high hopes for it, but it might actually be an okay book.

I made this blueprint of my house with Punch! Home Design Architectural Series 4000. Last week, out of complete boredom, I just started measuring all the rooms in my house. It lets you walk around your house in 3-D too. You can even add furniture, lighting, electronics, etc. But I didn’t get that fancy with it. Here’s some comparison pictures.

It’s not perfect, but I didn’t spend much time on it. I used this software to map out my house in Illinois too, back in early 2000. Colleen’s sister and I spent days measuring the house, inputting everything into the computer, doing the landscaping, and even adding a lot of the furniture into it. Both floors, the basement and the yard. It looked awesome. Then, several weeks later, Colleen decides to “clean” my hard drive up and deletes the file because she didn’t know what it was. Gone forever. She did that like 3 times during our marriage. She loved cleaning the hard drive and deleting important shit. I lost more data from her routine cleanings that from all the hard drive crashes and corrupt CDs I’ve ever had. Being single rules.
Speaking of my house, I’ve been looking at a lot of apartments these past couple weeks. I kind of want to move, but then I don’t. I found a few apartments within an acceptable price range. But none of them had central air. I love my central air. “No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater… than central air.” Plus I have cheap rent. I’m too busy this summer to move anyway. Maybe in the fall, though.
I found a nice 3 bedroom manufactured home for $600. But it had a lawn. A big lawn. One thing I love about this place I’m at now, aside from the central air, is that there’s no yard. I hate mowing lawns more than anything. It took over an hour every week to mow that lawn in Illinois. That’s one thing that I’ll never miss. If I get a new place, it’s gotta be an apartment building where they do the yardwork for me.
I had a giant Pepsi at the movies tonight. I gave up Pepsi about a year ago and rarely drink it (or any other caffeinated beverages) anymore. I only got Pepsi tonight because they only offered water in tiny bottles. And I just couldn’t stand to have them fill up the Pepsi cup with water when it was $5.00. It was exactly $10 for a medium popcorn and medium drink tonight. That’s a lot of money, even for a movie theater. Isn’t it? I don’t think I paid nearly that much in Illinois. So I had a lot of Pepsi. And I’m guessing that’s why it’s 2:00am and I’m not tired at all.
I live in a apartment because I hate yard work,I like central heat\air,and Im to lazy to fix anything.For 1046.00$ a month I can call the office when some thing is broke and not have to worry about it.
Whe are you going to update? It’s been a while.