
It’s really snowing out this morning. This is the first real snow we’ve had since I’ve moved here. I wish it’d just keep going until we had 3 feet of it on the ground. But it won’t. There’s no snow in the forecast, not even today. In a couple hours it will probably all turn into slushy rain. Then nothing but rain for the rest of the week. That blows. Hopefully the kids are having fun in it today, though.
I’ve put up a few home videos on YouTube this week, as I’ve been organizing my collection in the computer. I’m just about finished with the organizing, then I’ll throw it all on our Xbox 360 hard drive. Not that I plan to sit at the Xbox and watch my video camera stuff, I just think it’ll be cool to have easy access to it all.
In MA we have a couple feet already!
But last year, we hardly got any snow.
I’ve heard areas of Vermont have several feet…
I’ve had waist deep snow as long as I can remember.