Green Screen

I bought some fabric today and made a green screen. Payton and I did a test video and it worked really well, even without any lighting. The kids have been making nonstop videos the past week. Mostly puppets and stuff. But we got on the subject of green screens and I told them how easy it is to do, one thing leads to another, and I’m buying fabric. It’s a lot cooler than the green screen out of posterboard that Herman and I made a few years ago. Who knows what we’ll do with this though.
Here’s our test video with the green screen. It’s very spotty since the lighting in the garage is dim:
And here’s my favorite video of theirs so far (not green screened):
Damn thats what happened to my phone too.
Me and my friends used adobe primere for green screen fun, what do you use?
I’m using Pinnacle 10. We used Adobe Premiere for the original Elephant & Bird video. Up until just a few months ago, I was always a hardcore Premiere user. But I’m starting to like Studio better now.
At school they taught us to use Final Cut Pro if they have a PC version you should try it out sometime.
That’s way cool!
Wow… the next generation. Its so … interesting… to see your kids at the age we were when so many of our stories happened. They seem like really cool kids. I met Emily a long time ago. Hi Emily! Congrats dude, on some great kids.
Oh yeah- Hi Payton, even though I dont remember ever meeting you!
My 4 year old son made me play the elephant & bird show FOUR times! He loved it, obviously.
ok now i need to go get some green fabric. i hope our movie program will work. john comes to my house this weekend, we may have to try some thing.