I normally don’t announce to everyone that it’s my birthday since I’m an adult and shouldn’t care that it’s my birthday, but there’s no way around it this year because I have to post this roadsign that the Spessas hacked for me. They sent this to me last night on my cell phone and I LOLed.

Spessa has been showing no mercy to roadside construction signs lately, as you can see in the latest two entries on
For my birthday, I bought myself The Mysterious Stranger Manuscripts which are the original 3 manuscript drafts of Mark Twain’s The Mysterious Stranger. He died before he completed it, but it’s still the best thing he ever wrote. I would love for them to make a movie out of this book. It could have so many cool visuals. (This disturbing video on YouTube shows a smart part of it in 80’s claymation.)
I also bought a recliner for the living room a few days ago and I’m going to pretend that it was also a birthday present from myself. It’s another piece of furniture that I’ve been putting off buying for the past two years as I try to find the perfect chair on Craigslist. This one is pretty close to perfect and it was crazy-cheap. It mismatches the rest of my ratty old furniture perfectly.
I watched the Obama’s acceptance speech on today. It’s the first time I’ve heard him speak and the first time I’ve seen his family. I think it’s cool that most everyone seems to be so excited about him. Was anyone excited about Bush 8 years ago? I think I remember everyone hating Bush until 9/11 happened and then we were required to like him in order to consider ourselves patriotic. Anyway, I’m not excited about Obama. I just have a hard time caring. I do hope he does interesting things, though, since I’m in it solely for the entertainment value.
Cool! Happy Birthday! :3
happy birthday! i didn’t hack you a road sign…but have an awesome day anyway.
Happy birthday! And while I’m at it, Happy Social Security Number and Happy Mother’s Maiden Name!
happy birthday old man! and you should
totally care about your birthday! it’s
the only day of the year that’s all about
you and no one else. that’s my philosophy
anyway. so go ahead! be selfish, it’s
your day!
Happy Birthday RBCP
fiddlesticks. I missed it. I was going to dedicate an hour of Rick Astley to you.
4 the record I was through the moon 8 years ago
Happy Birthday!
For those of you who weren’t there, Brad’s birthday party was fucking awsome! We got a personalized four foot by three foot Baskin Robin’s icecream cake, and it didn’t even feed all the people who showed up!
Everyone there were all making prank calls together in a coordinated effort, and it was mind blowing to be able to prank call a business with a 20+ strong army of dedicated phonelosers!
When brad started dancing on the barstool I was sure he was going to fall off, but he kept it up for a good five minutes before he got too dizzy and Sarah had to rush him to the bathroom. (Man you were sure in there a long time!)
At about 2am we moved the party out onto the back yard and the neighbors put up with us for an hour before the cops showed up.
One of Brad’s new friends Sarah (she is a real cutie BTW) was hardcore flirting with the officer, so I think between Sarah and Michelle, they were able to social engineer the police into looking the other way after they promised we’d have it wrapped up in the next 20 minutes.
I can’t seem to remember anything after that, but it was truly a blast. Can’t wait to celebrate your birthday again next year, that party was truly special, and you are special and your birthday is super special! Congrats!#$%%^