Veterans Day Parade
I heard from the Geocaching group today that our picture was in the paper for the Target thing, so I went to 7-Eleven this morning and picked up a newspaper. They only photographed the side that we weren’t standing on, but it was still kind of cool. At the same time, it seems like getting featured in the paper defeats the purpose of being mysterious flash mobbers since it tells everyone who we are and why we did it. A scan of the paper can be viewed in my previous post.
I rarely buy a newspaper anymore since I get all my news and entertainment from blogs now. But while reading the paper this morning I was reminded that Albany had a Veterans days parade, so I took the kids to that. The Albany paper recently started up an online edition of their paper, but to get access to it you have to subscribe to the paper version too. How stupid is that? I’d really like to read the local paper, but only if it’s on the computer. (They have a website, of course, but it mostly just has the front page headlines.)
So I’m thinking of asking on Craigslist if anyone wants to give me access to the online portion of their subscription if I can pay them for half of the paper or something like that. Either that or just subscribing to the paper and throwing it in the trash every day. Or maybe I could pick a random subscriber of the paper and secretly set up an online account for them. Maybe I could subscribe but give them some random person’s address. Geez, why can’t they just sell web-only subscriptions?
The parade was a standard Veterans Day parade. After about 30 minutes of standing and watching it, we decided to join in so we got behind a Christian school group and walked with them for about 7 blocks. The kids both threw all the candy they’d gotten from other parade people back out to the crowds. Payton saw quite a few people he knew from school along the way. We stopped at Big Town Hero for lunch, then, 30 minutes later, the parade was still going on so we got back into it and continued along the route until we were just a few blocks from our car.

WAIT. Were you not invited to be in the parade? You’re kids dont know how good they’ve got it.
I’ve always liked throwing candy at people.
Nope, not invited. The best part was when we passed the radio station booth and they announced our group as some Christian school and everyone waved and cheered at us and Payton yelled back, “Woooo, GO DUCKS!” (The local team here.) One of the ladies from the Christian school kept looking back and glaring at us.
Then at Big Town Hero I loudly said, “Man, being in a parade is boring! Let’s just quick walking and go eat at this place!” and some old couple laughed about that.
If I’d known we were going to be in the parade I would have filled our pockets with leftover Halloween candy.
Your kids are getting so big!
Did you try changing your Browser user agent to teh Googlebot? It works for the Fargo paper.. at least the current stories which I’m assuming you’re most interested in.