Buried and Sealed Forever
After reading the announcement on about a dozen blogs today that Google’s Picasa photo sharing thing released a Mac version today, I finally ended up watching a video of the things it could do and I was impressed enough with it to download the PC version to give it a try. I’ve been a Flickr user for the past couple of years, but this looks nice. Even if I don’t use Picasa’s online service, this is a nice way of organizing photos and videos.
While scrolling through old pictures, I found this one from 2004:

I’d forgotten about all the weird messages I left behind walls and under floors during all my renovating at the old house. I wonder if anyone will ever uncover this one. I remember another one that I did (but I couldn’t find the picture of) where I wrote on the subfloor something like, “Underneath you’ll find the 3rd $5,000 stash. Only 3 more clues until you find the $500,000 prize. Here is your next clue.” and then I wrote a bunch of gibberish underneath it. I know it’s unlikely that anyone will ever fall for it, but there’s always a chance that 20 years from now someone will find that and begin tearing up the house, looking for hidden treasure.
“may God have mercy on your soul”… isn’t that kind of a pitiful threat? Wouldn’t it be more imdimiating if it said : “if you remove this cover may the devil rip your brains out” or something like that? “May God have mercy on your soul”… that’s almost as unscary as “may you eat a slice of pie”…
It’s more of a warning or a plea than a threat. It’s subtly saying, “You will DIE if you open this and I hope after that happens, God will let you into Heaven.”
I’ve heard it in movies before, I think.
i like the idea of leaving pranks behind for some one else to find that i may never know about. it is kinda like when the pionears planted crops because they knew that there would be others following them and they would need the food. not realy but it sounded nice to me.
Ha Ha Ha!!! I’m going to have to copy that sentiment the next time we have a home improvement project! (And every time after that.)