It IS a Nova!

Yesterday I was driving Payton home from school when this car pulls up next to me and the fat lady in the passenger seat is loudly arguing with the 3 heavily tattooed men in the car with her that my Ford Focus is a Nova and they’re wrong about it not being one. So she decides to get confirmation from me and I say, “Yes, this is definitely a Nova!” and she seems satisfied that she won the argument as one of the tattooed men eyes me from the back seat like he wants to kill me. I wonder how many more confrontations like this I can expect with my new Nova emblem.
That is hilarious. I want a logo with my car’s nickname. It’s a Dodge Spirit, but we call it the unholy spirit (maybe not everyone would think that was funny though ;).
y’know, i hear that nova means “new” or something like that….in japanease or something….
lol! too funny.
‘see…it says so right there on the back…n-o-v-a, nova! if it says it, it must be so!…’
I drive a Ford Probe. Everyone calls it the Anal Probe. Then they throw rocks at me.
That’s awesome.
How fat was she?
Thor – she was so fat that she was asking her question through a mouthful of Wheat Thicks.
She’s so fat she goes to the movies and sits next to everyone!
She’s so fat that for exercise people jog around her!
She’s so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized!
that’s pretty fat!
So fat that she doesn’t fall down, the Earth falls up?
Did you think to yourself how lucky you were that I wasn’t with you that day?