
A few months ago I discovered a comic strip called xkcd. Their web page describes it as a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. It’s immediately become my favorite comic strip ever. Better than The Far Side, better than Dilbert, and better than Calvin and Hobbes. I’ve viewed every single comic strip on their page at least twice. I’ve never liked a comic as much as this one. Here are a few random comics from their site. Hopefully they’ll let me hotlink:

And this image makes a great desktop wallpaper. Everyone go visit xkcd.com right now and view every one of their comics. Then buy their shirts and posters and anything else they’re selling. New comics come out occasionally but don’t seem to be on any kind of a schedule.

I’m on some kind of conference right now with altalp, iball, trevelyn, ethermine and I think phish phreak and maybe a few other people. I can barely understand anyone.


Took my dad’s truck to storage today. My intent for this trip is to donate tons of stuff to the Salvation Army instead of dealing with Craigslist. I already sold all the really valuable stuff and the Salvation Army gives me a receipt for everything I donate, which is good for a giant tax writeoff. I took about 1.5 truck loads. The first load used just about every cubic foot of the truck bed and camper shell. It was packed. The Salvation Army people seemed annoyed that I was giving them extra work to do. Last time they were so thrilled at the stuff I was bringing them. This time I felt like a nuisance.

I gave them a microwave, printer/scanner, rocking chair, toy box, overhead projector, 2 VCRs, a dual cassette deck, boom box, trash cans, probably 4 full boxes of clothes, stuffed animals, a 2-drawer dresser, about 10 – 15 board games (good stuff like Perfection, Clue, checkers, Monopoly, etc), kid bed sheets and quilts, pillows, sleeping bags, my roller blades, the kids roller skates (they wouldn’t fit anymore anyway), 2 radio control 4×4 trucks, 2 sleds, 2 large boxes of hot wheel tracks, a 6 foot ladder, doll house, tons and tons of books.

Aw man, I gave away so many books that I didn’t want to. I’d forgotten what a kickass collection of hacker books I had. I had all these books on the history of the phone companies, 2 or 3 on Kevin Mitnick, another on the Masters of Deception, tons of Unix security books and general programming, probably 50 issues of 2600, and lots of others that I just can’t remember. Lots of other hacker books, though. Oddly enough, I kept all my bank robbery books and donated my hacker books. What does that say about my future? HRRMMMMMMM. Plus tons of kids books. I mean lots and lots of kids books. Stuff I read to the kids from when they were 1 until just a couple of years ago. And it sucks to get rid of those since we have so few in the house in Oregon. At least we get to the library a lot, though. Two or three of the Harry Potter books, lots of comedy books. So many books. Oh yeah, dozens of home improvement books. I had books on all kinds of cool woodworking and remodeling projects. And just general stuff like plumbing and electrical. I’d say a total of 5 large boxes of books. Spessa would be disappointed in me.

Throwing out all my old shirts was slightly less disappointing, but still sucked. I had a lot of weird shirts and a lot of hacker shirts. Defcon, Rubicon, Phreaknic, and even a couple PLA shirts got donated. The original YOU WILL PLA shirt got donated. As in, the very first one from 1996, from the first batch of 6 that were ever printed. I would have kept it and sold it on phonelosers.org, but it was looking pretty terrible. It was white and had pit stains. I was glad to get rid of a lot of those clothes, though. I had way too many shirts. My old closet in my Alton house was too big. Plus I got rid of a lot of clothing that a cousin gave me for Payton that didn’t fit him yet. Clothes that had no wear on them at all.

Later in the evening, the kids and I all went to storage again. I had them sort through a few boxes of stuffed animals and toys. I told them they needed to get rid of most of them and they did a great job with that. We ended up filling 3 large totes full of toys and bringing one back home to take back to Oregon. So I’ve already got a bunch of new stuff to donate on my next trip to Salvation Army. Plus I filled up a suitcase of stuff that I wanted to bring back. Mostly office supplies, picture frames, and some CDs. I’m bringing back my original factory car stereo for my Focus since the one I got for 50 cents at a garage sale is starting to malfunction. I’m probably going to mail a box or two, then bring back the rest in suitcases that I’ll buy from Salvation Army, just like we did during Christmas. I just hope the cab in Portland can fit all our suitcases.

I know I probably said this back in a December entry, but it feels great to get rid of all this stuff. Just to eliminate all this clutter from my life. 20+ years of collecting useless shit and finally being able to rid myself of it. It’s like that old man I met at the Eugene flea market who was selling all the baseball cards and baseball memorabilia that he’d been collecting since he was a boy. He said he wasn’t doing it for the money, but he just had no use for it all and wanted all the crap out of his house. It sucks to lose those cool hacker books, my giant phone collection, and all my electronics and wires. But if I didn’t get rid of it now, I’d just be selling it all at a flea market 30 years from now. I just wish I could have given it to somebody who would want it. Plenty of people on the forums would have loved all that stuff. It’s too bad I didn’t give it all away when I could. My goal from now on is to not accumulate tons of useless shit.

We’re having a good time in Illinois so far. Yesterday we went to the City Museum. I hated myself for forgetting my book. I did a lot of wandering around by myself and a lot of playing games on my cell phone. After the 20th or so visit, I’m really bored with that place. But the kids still have a great time there.

Man, I love my new Dell laptop. It’s so nice to have everything on a laptop that actually works. My old laptop was slow (it was a 1999 or 2000 model that I’d been using since 1999 or 2000) and the battery never worked right. It’s so great having a laptop with everything I own on it. And being able to use it for hours at a time without plugging it in is so new to me. I’ve even got a spare battery for it, so it can go for about 6 hours. It just rules. I hope this one lasts for years.


Worked, drove to Corvallis and wandered around downtown for three hours, got Payton a birthday present, got a couple books from The Book Bin (Mark Twain’s Roughing It and his autobiography), ate at some potato chip deli, got a prepaid cell phone at Fred Meyer for the kids to use (only $14.99, plus a minimum of $40/year to keep it running), went to the Amtrak station and picked up some tickets, hung out at home the rest of the night.

Played that STUPID Desktop Tower Defense game for several hours while I watched movies. I’d say that game has wasted at least a full 24 hours of my life by now. I want to kill murd0c for introducing me to it. Worked on the book a lot, though. And walked to the store for milk. That was my day.


On Monday, the company that owns my apartment dropped off a dehumidifier for me. It’s a nice LG model with a digital display and all kinds of features and options on it. Our hope is that sucking the moisture out of the air will eliminate the occasional giant splotches of mold that occasionally show up in the bedrooms.

I immediately turned it on and let it run all day. I set it at it’s lowest setting, which was 35% humidity. The highest setting is 75%. It ran continuously all day, and after 8 hours I dumped the water out of it. It was about 1.5 gallons of water. That’s a lot of water to be sucking out of the air! The next day it ran all day again, and I dumped another 1.5 gallons into the sink. Yesterday it ran all day and I dumped another 1.5 gallons.

I’ve never used a dehumidifier before, but the amount of water it’s sucking up seems insane. The guy who suggested getting it said it had a large water container in it and I’d probably only have to empty it every few weeks. If I ran it all night too (I don’t because it’s loud) I’m sure it would completely fill the water container inside of it every day.

I’ve been told by a couple people now that my apartment feels damp, kind of like a basement. Probably because my floors are all concrete, instead of being raised off the ground or having a basement like a normal house.

Is 1.5 gallons of water a day normal for a dehumidifier? Anybody know? Anyone know what setting I should have it on? Is 35% too low? I’m hoping it’ll start to slow down after another day or two. It can’t keep sucking more than a gallon of water out of the air forever, can it? What’s bad is that we haven’t had much rain in weeks now. Hardly any at all. So is it going to get even worse once it starts raining nonstop like it usually does?

In other news, the kids and I had a fun week in Idaho. We saw Evan Almighty, went to the lake for a day and did a lot of other random things. And I got a new laptop! After 7 years of using the same old HP, I finally got an upgrade. It’s an Dell Inspiron E1505. It’s got an 80 gig hard drive, 512 megs of RAM, built in wireless, a DVD burner, and two 1.73GHz processors. It came with Ubuntu installed on it but I added Windows XP to it so now it dual boots. I’m waiting about another year to start using Vista since it sucks right now.

It’ll be so nice to have a laptop that I can take out of the house. The battery on my old one kept dying so it doesn’t last more than a couple minutes on the battery. This one lasts about 4 hours on the battery, plus I’ve got a spare battery for it. So 8 hours of laptop for me with no plugging in!

Knocked Up

I went and saw Knocked Up tonight. It was girly but I really liked it. Snuck into Spiderman 3 afterwards, but only watched a few minutes before leaving. I decided that I couldn’t bear to watch the entire movie just for the few action scenes that I wanted to see again.

After the movie was over, I listened to Tom Leykis whine on the radio about what a terrible movie it was for 2 hours. He was upset that the girl didn’t get an abortion and that the guy had anything to do with her after getting her pregnant. Tom is entertaining, but he seems to think that anyone who doesn’t live life just like him is a moron. Which means no children ever, and as little responsibility as possible. I’m bored out of my mind enough as it is, only having my kids half the week. I would hate being Tom.

I don’t know what it is with me and flat tires lately, but my bike’s tire is all messed up and needs to be replaced. I think I put a little too much air in it yesterday, which split the side open. I noticed this while biking to the post office this morning to pick up the box of cool stuff Trevelyn sent me. Again. This time I got a Kirby Gameboy Advance game, which the kids are excited about. And lots of other weird, random shit. Thanks, Trevelyn! I also mailed Trevelyn a box of stuff while I was there.

And I received my copy of It’s Not News, It’s FARK. I read a few pages of it while I stood in line at the post office and it didn’t seem too bad. Not that I have high hopes for it, but it might actually be an okay book.

blueprint of my house

I made this blueprint of my house with Punch! Home Design Architectural Series 4000. Last week, out of complete boredom, I just started measuring all the rooms in my house. It lets you walk around your house in 3-D too. You can even add furniture, lighting, electronics, etc. But I didn’t get that fancy with it. Here’s some comparison pictures.

It’s not perfect, but I didn’t spend much time on it. I used this software to map out my house in Illinois too, back in early 2000. Colleen’s sister and I spent days measuring the house, inputting everything into the computer, doing the landscaping, and even adding a lot of the furniture into it. Both floors, the basement and the yard. It looked awesome. Then, several weeks later, Colleen decides to “clean” my hard drive up and deletes the file because she didn’t know what it was. Gone forever. She did that like 3 times during our marriage. She loved cleaning the hard drive and deleting important shit. I lost more data from her routine cleanings that from all the hard drive crashes and corrupt CDs I’ve ever had. Being single rules.

Speaking of my house, I’ve been looking at a lot of apartments these past couple weeks. I kind of want to move, but then I don’t. I found a few apartments within an acceptable price range. But none of them had central air. I love my central air. “No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater… than central air.” Plus I have cheap rent. I’m too busy this summer to move anyway. Maybe in the fall, though.

I found a nice 3 bedroom manufactured home for $600. But it had a lawn. A big lawn. One thing I love about this place I’m at now, aside from the central air, is that there’s no yard. I hate mowing lawns more than anything. It took over an hour every week to mow that lawn in Illinois. That’s one thing that I’ll never miss. If I get a new place, it’s gotta be an apartment building where they do the yardwork for me.

I had a giant Pepsi at the movies tonight. I gave up Pepsi about a year ago and rarely drink it (or any other caffeinated beverages) anymore. I only got Pepsi tonight because they only offered water in tiny bottles. And I just couldn’t stand to have them fill up the Pepsi cup with water when it was $5.00. It was exactly $10 for a medium popcorn and medium drink tonight. That’s a lot of money, even for a movie theater. Isn’t it? I don’t think I paid nearly that much in Illinois. So I had a lot of Pepsi. And I’m guessing that’s why it’s 2:00am and I’m not tired at all.

Freaks, geeks, flats, maps

Flat tire this morning. Cars are evil. There was a nail in the tire and it was only $8.00 to patch, but he said I need to get a new tire very soon. Maybe I should stop buying used tires.

While waiting around at the gas station, I met a gold prospector on his way to California to mine for gold. He had a fold down trailer and a bunch of tools in the back of his truck. I didn’t know people still mined for gold like that. Guess I assumed that corporations owned all the mines. Either that or they were empty.

I cannot stop watching Freaks and Geeks. A friend introduced me to it last week, I downloaded it the next day and I’m almost finished with the entire season. I think I have 3 or 4 more left to watch which I’m sure I’ll finish this evening. It’s a great show, in an after school special kind of way.

I’m still really loving Flickr. I’ve uploaded a large portion of my 2005 – 2007 pictures to it and I’ve been obsessively geotagging them all. It’s weird to be able to click on a map of my neighborhood and see hundreds of pictures of some old lady’s garden and the inside of her house, a couple blocks away.

Geocaching, Shrek, Paperclips, and MORE!

Today boredom caused me to attempt paperclip sculpturing…

It’s been a busy week, as far as I can remember. Kids and I went to see Shrek 3 over the weekend. I didn’t like it, but the kids did. I liked the first two movies, but this one was just weak in my opinion. We went Geocaching before and after the movie. One of the geocaches involved a mile long hike into the woods, a PB&J picnic on a log, and then another mile out. We actually met the guy who placed the geocache there. He was there checking up on it and noticed us taking it. He said he’d also been to our geocache before.

It seems like a lot more has happened in a week, but somehow I’m forgetting it all. Stupid memory. This morning I cleaned out my answering machine, which mostly had messages on it from 2005. I copied a lot of them to mp3, which is here. A voicemail that I left for The Mediocre Show was played on their show. Fast forward to 27 minutes and 25 seconds on this file:


Or just listen to the whole show. It’s one of my favorite podcasts. Oh yeah, Trevelyn from the PLA Forums sent me a box full of great stuff! A Pez dispenser, some PA lotto tickets (I haven’t checked to see if they’re winners yet), a Fon router, a telephone handset modified to work on a cell phone’s jack, a Verizon pay phone card, some blank (I think) magnetic stripe cards, a Rolex watch, a security badge and whistle, and just a bunch of weird miscellaneous stuff. Thanks, Trevelyn!

I’m using Flickr now for my photos. We’ll see how long that lasts, but that’s where I’m putting my pictures for now. Here’s my Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52904685@N00/.


Went out with Angela again last night. We went to play Bingo for several hours! It’s the first time since grade school that I’ve played Bingo. It was fun. A very fast paced game, though. Neither of us won anything but this old lady at the next table won 3 times. On her last win she got $1,000. After Bingo we went to a nickel arcade and played a bunch of games and won a bunch of tickets. She was a funny old lady and talked to herself a lot. After one of her wins she was counting all her winnings, saying “I’ve never seen so much money in my life!”

Today I sold buttons at the Corvallis flea market. It went worse than Eugene. I ended up making $5 or $6 for the day. Since my table was $15, it was a complete loss. Oh well. The good thing was that I had a fun time talking to the lady at the booth next to me. Her name was Suzanne. She took my number and said she’s going to call me next time she’s in Albany.

Tonight I’m going out to some bar & grill with Eva.


Yesterday I bought some plants:

The one on the left and then the cactus in the middle. The one on the right I got a few weeks ago.

My wireless security system sucks. It’s always losing the connection to the sensors, so the alarm can’t be set. Luckily, there’s room for 2 hard-wired connections. So I disabled all the wireless sensors and I’m only using a hardwired door alarm on the back door. I’ll add the front door later. I made my own door sensor! I put two screws into the part of the door frame that you can’t see when you shut it, then wrapped wires around them that go to the alarm. Then, on the door, I attached a piece of metal that contacts the screws when the door shuts. I used a piece of metal from the battery compartment of some random electronic device, which is perfect since the metal pieces are made to stick out a little so that they touch the screws securely when I shut the door. If any of that made any sense.

I also moved the main alarm component out of my office and into the hall. Today I’m going to install a new plug in the ceiling (above the ceiling tiles) to plug it in. And a phone line too, so it can call my cell phone when the alarm trips. Guess I’ll just sell these wireless sensors on Ebay since they all suck.

Been cleaning my desk and reorganizing Quickbooks all morning. Last night I watched Stranger Than Fiction. It definitely wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting another zany Will Ferrell movie, but it wasn’t a comedy at all. It was great and I was impressed. Everyone go watch it.

Contest video

Emily put some cool stickers on my salt/pepper shakers:

Also, Payton helped me make a video for this Gizmodo contest. If I win, I get an $1,100 HD camera. Since I don’t even have a video camera anymore, that would rule. The contest ends this Thursday. Here’s our entry:

Also, here are some outtakes from that video.

Went to Subway for lunch, checked on our Geocache and hung around the house the rest of the day since it’s been raining.

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