PLA Forums
OMG IT'S TEH PLA! => Audio Shows (PLA Radio, The Phone Show, Snow Plow Show) => Topic started by: beerfuck on June 19, 2006, 07:51:13 PM
No mention of this anywhere on the site, cept in the rss feed?
Not bad stuff. Lookin forward to more.
No mention of this anywhere on the site, cept in the rss feed?
Not bad stuff. Lookin forward to more.
Yes, it was great. I loved the NEW prank calls. I always thought her name was pronounced Jay-me.
What are you referring to? I missed somethin' here.
What are you referring to? I missed somethin' here.
I set up a new podcast called Big Beef Bueno. It's like PLA Radio but with much less effort. I set up a webpage for it which is here: (
I loved it! I kept wondering why there was nothing on the site about it too
I just uploaded a LJ Interpretation, but it's an interpretation of a DeadJournal entry.
I hope you enjoy it.
I like this podcast - please make more! ^_^
I like this podcast - please make more! ^_^
I enjoyed it very much so too
I listened to the big beef bueno episode on the cd and it seems that with a little "added content" from "fans" it could really get going! (straight off a cliff)
Episode 3! (
Episode 3 for lowlife dialup scum (
Good stuff, now at least I have something to listen too while I skool everyone in the PLA games!!!
Good stuff, now at least I have something to listen too while I skool everyone in the PLA games!!!
I find listening to the gayest music possible makes me win.
Brad, you'd make a halfway-decent death metal vocalist.
Maybe that could be yet another bold career move for you.
Your daughter is very articulate for 10! My favorite yet!
Another fine amalgam of entertainment! Some of these hosts are so inarticulate, they should practice what they say before they say it. ".ORG " you dumb fuck. Still it's good to hear others talk about it... That 'kid' ad is so sick + ruthless, I love it... it's on one of the regular PLA episodes too, I think.
First Socrates, then Ozzy, then RBCP :)
Another fine amalgam of entertainment! Some of these hosts are so inarticulate, they should practice what they say before they say it. ".ORG " you dumb fuck...
Actually, I think the URL for PLA Radio really is (
Actually, I think the URL for PLA Radio really is (
Yeah, it is for now. I've always just pointed to whatever part of the site I happen to be most actively updating at the time. But I never tell anybody it's phonelosers.COM. People just go there by mistake and see that it works. CNBC made that mistake last year when they did their Wal-Mart segment.