(http://www.phonelosers.org/images/nlo_patrick.jpg) | Patrick from the NLO show doesn't care. I just think everyone should know that. He doesn't care so much that he's made several lengthy posts insisting that he doesn't care. He's made sure to point out that he definitely doesn't care in every one of the posts. He doesn't care, okay? Pay no attention to the unhappy tone in each of his posts. (http://www.podcastalley.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10722&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=2265e3f0002de1d79a0f2896ec47fa78) Because, as he will point out, he doesn't care. He posted a few messages on his own forums too, making sure to pretend to be completely disinterested in the prank and point out that it had no effect on him at all. I'd post a link to the thread in his forums but he requires registration to view anything. But if you feel like signing up for an account to read his users opinions on Episode #7, here's the link: http://www.nobodylikesonions.com/forums/ (http://www.nobodylikesonions.com/forums/) Just remember - Patrick doesn't care. He's a professional, world-famous comedian and has had extensive training in the art of not caring. |
and Trust us, he cares... whether he'll admit it or not.
I think it's burned-out-comedian syndrome. It's understandable, my friend has it. That's why Jerry Lewis was such a dick in real life.Really? I thought that was from all the Percodan.