(http://www.phonelosers.org/radio/cds_for_hope_small.jpg) (http://www.phonelosers.org/radio/cds_for_hope.jpg)
I recently swindled Rob T. Firefly (http://www.robvincent.net/) into letting me mail him a couple hundred PLA Media CDs to pass out at Hope 6 (http://www.hopenumbersix.net/). As you can see, I've repackaged them as PLA Radio CDs just to fool everyone. But make no mistake - these are the same PLA Media CDs that caused a small riot at PLA's 2004 Hope Panel.
So keep an eye out for RTF and if you see him, knock him down, grab his backpack and RUN! If he happens to not have any PLA Radio CDs in his backpack, return it to him and politely ask him for one. Lots of thanks to everyone who's bought the overpriced Media CDs over the past few years! And thanks a lot, RTF (http://www.spacemutiny.com)!