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Pranks => Prank Phone Calls => Topic started by: simpsongeek on June 30, 2006, 04:18:23 PM

Title: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: simpsongeek on June 30, 2006, 04:18:23 PM

If it didn't say your IP Address at the end of the call this would be amazing
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: z09 on June 30, 2006, 05:25:33 PM

If it didn't say your IP Address at the end of the call this would be amazing

That has to be the best thing ever!  Even though it says the ip it says it way to fast and doesn't repeat itself.  A proxy would cover that.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: rbcp on June 30, 2006, 06:24:57 PM
Nice!  Does the "name" field work for anyone else?  I put in a fake name but instead I got the name associated with the number I put in.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: Devilz212 on June 30, 2006, 06:39:32 PM
rbcp, I have the same problem.

This is awesome, even if it is only a demo.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: JohnKerry on June 30, 2006, 06:49:41 PM
I could program something like that on and launch it on my network.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: z09 on June 30, 2006, 07:10:27 PM
Nice!  Does the "name" field work for anyone else?  I put in a fake name but instead I got the name associated with the number I put in.

Nope.  In the OC we only get a "Out of Area" in the name feild.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: Raptor on July 02, 2006, 05:00:43 PM
what is the highest bandwidth you have seen on a proxy? (skype through a proxy!?)
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: oldphuk on July 02, 2006, 10:04:27 PM
This thing is way cool. I also noticed that it sends the name associated with the number. I can think of some uses for that. It works using this ( anonymous surfing tool.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: rbcp on July 03, 2006, 07:34:02 AM
I could program something like that on and launch it on my network.

Yeah you COULD but you DIDN'T, you stupid loser!
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: legend813 on July 03, 2006, 09:17:07 AM
so it doestnt show the name you enter?

But you can back-spoof with it?
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: z09 on July 03, 2006, 11:04:58 AM
so it doestnt show the name you enter?

But you can back-spoof with it?

Put your local blockbuster store number in.  Call someone you know has caller id, and make it say abunch of curse words.  Repeat this step until you have to use a proxy to get more calls, then drive down there and see all the managers trying figure everything out.  It's priceless.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: simpsongeek on July 03, 2006, 12:30:14 PM

^That one does the same thing, but it also tells you if somebody picks up.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: Colonel Panic on July 03, 2006, 07:47:02 PM
I keep getting "UNAVAILABLE" for the CID message.

There's a limit to how many calls you can make per hour with the demo.

I used the proxy server a few times, and after awhile it detected that I was using a proxy and denied me any more calls, flagging a "Proxy Server Abuse" message.

Also, you apparently can't call the same number too many times or it returns a "Phone Number Abuse" flag.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID Spoof
Post by: z09 on July 03, 2006, 08:31:17 PM
I keep getting "UNAVAILABLE" for the CID message.

There's a limit to how many calls you can make per hour with the demo.

I used the proxy server a few times, and after awhile it detected that I was using a proxy and denied me any more calls, flagging a "Proxy Server Abuse" message.

Also, you apparently can't call the same number too many times or it returns a "Phone Number Abuse" flag.

The same thing keeps happening to me.  If you enter a valid phone number it pulls up the account holder's name on the CID, free cell phone look up!

And when I used the proxy it detected it too. 

EDIT: Look what we did.  We made them put a threat message under the spoofer!
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: Saint on July 23, 2006, 09:11:42 PM
Hmmm.....  I can't get either to work (I'm calling myself), tried calling a cell and a landline, and re-did all the variables a few times but nada.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: samo on June 03, 2007, 03:29:32 PM
Are there any other services like this? This is my only hope for backspoofing, and I have a few numbers that I've been wanting to backspoof for a while now.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: acrylic on August 07, 2007, 04:22:17 PM
I think this method died   :-X

Can't you just backspoof w/ ? I mean it's like .10 cents a min but gets it done right
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: trevelyn on August 07, 2007, 05:02:02 PM
are there any services like this still around? this one *is* dead.  I found some free sms services from google, but none of them even sent the messages to my phone - AND i cant find one that allows you to enter you ANI.
Title: Re: Send free messages to phones with Caller ID/ANI Spoof
Post by: gangals on August 07, 2007, 05:31:15 PM
I wonder if spoofing an email address of a cell number would work.