PLA Forums
OMG IT'S TEH PLA! => PLA Merchandise, Promotions, and Contests => Topic started by: mistah_blonde on June 29, 2008, 02:09:02 PM
I've got a wonderful idea...
How about PLA Cactus condoms?
They could be green and studded and OMG even cactus flavoured.
Sizes range from extra large, all the way down to Rowdy J size.
Sizes range from Lestan XX-L, all the way down to Rowdy J size
if you're not going to sack it, go home and whack it!
don't be silly...wrap your willy!
cloak the joker before you poke her!
don't be a fool...wrap your tool!
before you attack her...wrap your whacker!
not really a big fan of PLA cactus condoms...but i <3 cheesy condom slogans.