PLA Forums
OMG IT'S TEH PLA! => Audio Shows (PLA Radio, The Phone Show, Snow Plow Show) => Topic started by: rbcp on March 16, 2010, 12:17:16 PM
I'm BFF now with Dakota the phone sex operator (from this page: ( and she's agreed to let me interview her for an upcoming PLA Radio. Anyone have any questions for a phone sex operator they'd like me to ask? I'll probably try and stick more with the phone aspect of the whole thing than sex, but I'm open to any suggestions.
Did they ever try the thing in Punch-Drunk Love?
I remember pretty much nothing about that movie.
Hi, I'm Adam Sandler. I get very angry sometimes and cry for no reason sometimes and I don't know if this is normal because I don't know how other people are. Ima call a phone sex line because no one listens to me and stuff and I need someone to just talk to. This is weird they are asking my credit card, address, social security number, other stuff that you shouldn't really tell people that you don't know is a real company thing. The phone sex lady is asking me for money because I said I was a self-employed businessmen even tho I didn't say I was still poor. She wants the money bad she is willing to tell my friends and family I am a pervert. Some guys try to kill me for a few hundred bucks justifying it by me being a pervert calling a phone sex line. I have a girlfriend now so I won't take any shit when they try to kill me in front of her so I beat the shit out of them with my super rage powers. Then I go and track down the people and threaten them to stop doing the shit and they leave me alone and I am happy ever after.
EDIT: and he buys a bucncha puddin' so he can fly places.
Adam Sandler hands out some well deserved beatings in that movie.
Ask if she wears condoms on her ears will she still get hearing Aids?
How much monies does she make? How many hours does she work?
Is it as difficult to make monies as a man as it is in the porn industry?
Which philosopher believed that seeking the most pleasure was the ultimate guide in life?
How much monies does she make? How many hours does she work?
Is it as difficult to make monies as a man as it is in the porn industry?
Which philosopher believed that seeking the most pleasure was the ultimate guide in life?
Democritus seems to be the earliest philosopher on record to have categorically embraced a hedonistic philosophy; he called the supreme goal of life "contentment" or "cheerfulness", claiming that "joy and sorrow are the distinguishing mark of things beneficial and harmful". He was also an alien from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy Transylvania.[citation needed]
How much monies does she make? How many hours does she work?
Is it as difficult to make monies as a man as it is in the porn industry?
Which philosopher believed that seeking the most pleasure was the ultimate guide in life?
Democritus seems to be the earliest philosopher on record to have categorically embraced a hedonistic philosophy; he called the supreme goal of life "contentment" or "cheerfulness", claiming that "joy and sorrow are the distinguishing mark of things beneficial and harmful". He was also an alien from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy Transylvania.[citation needed]
Democritus sought happiness, while Aristippus sought pleasure.
If you just looked a few paragraphs down... (
The phone sex lady was asposed to answer that >:(