PLA Forums
OMG IT'S TEH PLA! => Audio Shows (PLA Radio, The Phone Show, Snow Plow Show) => Topic started by: Sidepocket on September 24, 2006, 12:04:30 AM
While I manage to get out of the loop, I have lots of friends (mostly in the mid-west) who are harrast hourly by Telimarketers. Its evil how they torture these people.
Can we do one episode were we flood them and torture them back? ???
My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. first post.
RBCP makes PLA Radio, not "us."
I don't think you can just call "telemarketers." You can call the company that owns the lines, but it wouldn't make much sense if you could dial into, say, the number that shows up on your CID. Telemarketers make outgoing calls: they don't sell to people who call them, right?
I actually asked about doing this myself (though not for the purpose of PLAR), and from the results, I don't think you could make much of an episode out of this.
Geez, frog, you're negative. I think it could be a good idea. It wouldn't be that hard to get the phone number to telemarketing call centers. Or better yet, the home/cell numbers of the people that run these call centers. Nobody is more deserving of phone harassment than telemarketers. Might be funny to see how they react to middle of the night sale pitches.
I never get telemarketing calls anymore, though. I guess it's because my number is unlisted now and I don't really give it out very often. I kind of miss recording my telemarketing calls. (
Geez, frog, you're negative.
Telemarketers are just people who dont have skills and need a job. They are just trying to make some money. Its not like any one of those people likes what they do. So i wouldnt consider harrassing someone who has a job, is paying taxes and contributes to society doing some good in the world.
Not if you're harassing the people who slave the phones, no. But, as Arbie said, how about the people who run the call centers? Or maybe the heads of their telemarketing firm's company? That might be a little forced karma in favor of the everyman...
It may even turn out an episode where people other than PBCP get to talk!
Ever hear about that telemarketing convention where the guy started calling up all the hotel rooms in the middle of the night? Tried to sell all the telemarketing people things. I think that was Tom Mabe that did that.
Not if you're harassing the people who slave the phones, no. But, as Arbie said, how about the people who run the call centers? Or maybe the heads of their telemarketing firm's company? That might be a little forced karma in favor of the everyman...
i second this.
I can get behind harrassing the heads of the centers.
Yes, Tom Mabe is the one-man war on telemarketers... I have most of his calls. He's from my city, I've seen his stand-up at the Comedy Caravan. He's signed to Virgin records Nashville, same as Roy Mercer. I'm not crazy about either one (all Roy's are pretty much THE SAME) but Tom has some good stuff. PLA is better.
I actually make a distinction between Indian telemarketers + the rest... I am nice to the Indians, I can't help it after reading this... ( If they're American, fuck it. I talk like a gay guy or old lady + try to scare the shit out of them, like they interrupted someone giving birth at my house.