PLA Forums
Other Stuff That Has Little To Do With PLA => General Discussions => Ask Anyone => Topic started by: markov on September 25, 2011, 09:00:28 AM
Wondering if anyone knows of any decent web hosts that allow access to SSH & tunneling? Looking for something on the cheap end..
Have looked around a bit but so far all the cheap ones I've checked don't allow it or charge a lot extra has SSH proxy hosting for $5/month, but I'd prefer to get actual hosting I could do other shit with as well
- has VPSs for $9/mo. I love em.
hey thanks, that looks like a pretty decent deal there.. I may give that a shot
I'd still be interested in hearing about any web hosting options
Any thoughts on the typical wait time for setup with FDCServers? I signed up for a VPS on Wednesday morning and haven't even received a confirmation email or anything yet.. I emailed them yesterday and no response to that either.. Just tried to call them and it went straight to voicemail
i think allows this, it routes the traffic through tor though.
CJB looks kinda cool.. may be useful in the future
For now, I signed up/paid for FDCServers but I still haven't received any replies or initial contacts yet.. been over 72 hours now.. I understand they are a budget service and don't expect the best response time, but it would be nice to at least get some kind of acknowledgement that they received my payment and are working on it :-\
Welcome to the CJB.NET shell server!
Use 'daemon <command>' to launch a command or process in the background and
keep it running after you log out. We do not offer crontab/screen access.
Incoming traffic is prohibited by our firewall. IRC bouncers (psyBNC) will
not work as our firewall prevents you from connecting to them; use irssi to
access IRC. Eggdrops must be launched using daemon as described above.
If you tunnel your Internet traffic through your shell account, try our VPN
service for faster speeds! Go to for details.
Refer to for more information.
yeah, that looks pretty useful considering the shells are free and the VPNs are pretty cheap. I'll definitely check them out a bit. If nothing else, would be good for IRC
the main reason I went with FDC is because I was going to host a site as well
Was unable to get through to FDC so I emailed them from a gmail account.. turns out my normal internet provider blocked FDC entirely, so even though I have spam filtering disabled, their email to me was blocked.. once I contacted through my gmail, their response time was very quick and they had already set me up the day I paid
Just wanted to note that for anyone else that may be considering trying them out