PLA Forums
Other Stuff That Has Little To Do With PLA => Techinical Shit => Phreaking, Hacking, Social Engineering, Lock Picking => Topic started by: Upgraded on January 06, 2007, 02:25:08 AM
Hey Everyone
I dunno if this is the right place to ask, But im really interested in getting my hands on some type of 2 way radio so that I can not only hear Police, Ambulance's ect but I want to be able to hear the drive thru's and even talk /hack them.
Basically I want a way to do this
Is there such thing as a 2 way radio or whatever they are called that isn't too expensive that will allow me to do this with some general hacking?
I was looking at the Radio shack pro-95 but I dont know if you can actually talk through it or just listen?
So basically I'm looking for ( Sorry I dont know the names for the product so bare with me ) a Box that will allow me to hear and talk through, hacking Radio frequencies similar to this one, I'd love to be able to hear up to 1GHZ+ this site suggested a radio that could do that but I cant find any traces that it even exsists anymore.
Anyways thanks :)
Watch the video again and pause it when they have the radio in the frame.
The make and model are clearly visable.
Or just click below.,RNWN:2006-49,RNWN:en&q=vx7r (,RNWN:2006-49,RNWN:en&q=vx7r)
With pretty much every ham radio (that's what you'll need, a regular 2-way walkie-talkie will only pick up the FRS/GMRS/whatever frequencies, most amateur radios can pick up from a few kilohertz to a 999 megahertz or higher), you'll need to remove diodes, solder, or do something else to the radio's internals to be able to increase transmit.
Ahh alright cool.
If I were to get a Ham Radio...
1) Is the Yaesu VX-7R capible of letting you talk and recieve Radio waves
2) Which is the easiest to hack, I'm not good with electronics :) If possible I need one with a site that has ' how to hack it '
Peace :D
Thick, as a brick.
Ahh alright cool.
If I were to get a Ham Radio...
1) Is the Yaesu VX-7R capible of letting you talk and recieve Radio waves
2) Which is the easiest to hack, I'm not good with electronics :) If possible I need one with a site that has ' how to hack it '
Peace :D
My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself., learning something for reasons other than to "hack" are so passe. I only read about physics so I can build rockets like in october sky that movie with Jake Gyllenhall, do you remember? ya they were so cool, i iwsh i could do that. do u have ne articlz on like "how to make rocket go up not down"? i dont no mush about nothin, so.....haha
Sorry, I'm just really new to this Radio Stuff,
I wasn't sure if in the video they were using more than just a VX-7R, It looked like they had a huge ham radio as well.
Anyways Is the VX-74 able to do everything I'm after?
I'm not familiar with the VX-7R, but usually it is fairly easy, usually requiring nothing more than removing a few diodes or possibly a little soldering.
Google ham radio modifications or extended transmit or something, and you should find a site that has a huge database of radios and instructions on how to extend the transmit range (not miles, but frequencies). I don't remember the URL because the last time I used it was a few years ago.
Awesome, so once I have access to those ' frequencies ' I can then talk on them through a drive thru?
The Yaesu VX-7R is only an HT (Handie Talkie or hand held radio) and only puts out a few watts. It will do the trick though.
Mods on ham Radios can be found at
Once you do the mod to the radio, you will have more frequencies to transmit on than the radio is sold as, and included in those frequencies is most fast food drive up frequencies.
Next you need to find those freqs!
Just be careful not to transmit on the police, fire or Ham Band frequencies. none of them take kindly to screwing around with their frequencies.
Aight I got myself a nice hand held Ham radio walkie talkie.
it's been modded and can go up to 2Ghz frequency wise, which is EVERYTHING.
However I wasn't sure or not how to do a drive thru prank, how do I actually hack the drive thru so my voice is over theres?
However I wasn't sure or not how to do a drive thru prank, how do I actually hack the drive thru so my voice is over theres?
Please stop saying "hack." When you sing in harmony with someone, you don't call it hacking, do you?
it's been modded and can go up to 2Ghz frequency wise, which is EVERYTHING.
It's not 3Ghz, is it? That's not EVERYTHING. You got scammed!
However I wasn't sure or not how to do a drive thru prank, how do I actually hack the drive thru so my voice is over theres?
It sounds like you want us to do all the work for you. Researching the sites you find on Google will tell you exactly what you need to know. Plus, you'll learn more that way. Nobody here can help you anyway, since you didn't tell us what kind of radio you got.
Aight I got myself a nice hand held Ham radio walkie talkie.
which did you get?
However I wasn't sure or not how to do a drive thru prank, how do I actually hack the drive thru so my voice is over theres?
Dude, Half the fun of doing it is figuring out how to! There are plenty of websites that will lead you in the right direction.
I got the VX-7R but it can't do jack shi~
It can barely do 420 - 470 Mhz, I was hoping for a Radio to do 1 Mhz to 999 Mhz, but according to my local radio dealer on the military has access to them.
The VX-7R cannot listen to police or anything here, since they all use Digital, same with The Drive thru's, so im stuck with a $500 radio that cant do anything..
life goes on
I got the VX-7R but it can't do jack shi~
It can barely do 420 - 470 Mhz, I was hoping for a Radio to do 1 Mhz to 999 Mhz, but according to my local radio dealer on the military has access to them.
You won't be able to find a radio that transmits from 1MHz to 999MHz, especially fro only $500... look at the Kenwood TH-F6A, That radio will RX from .1MHz to 1.3GHz... and for only $304! Seems to me that if you paid $500 for a VX-7R, you got taken for a ride! At Ham Radio Outlet, you can get the VX-7R for $299 or the Kenwood for $304.95 and then do the mods yourself for free. If you paid someone $200 to mod that radio you got ripped off!
You CAN get a radio, for about $1500 that will transmit from .1 MHZ right through to 470MHz, and then you go and buy single band radios for cheap for above 470MHz. Example, you can get a radio that transmits from 902MHZ to 928 MHz for only $35! ... and there isn't a whole lot that you can do above 928MHZ anyway, there isn't a whole lot going on in those freqs, and the stuff that is going on you prob won't be able to hear as it's mostly digital. but you'll be taking up a lot of space with radios and you'l need to spend a bunch more on antennas. there isn't one antenna that will be able to cover you for all those freqs. all has to do with resonance. but that's a different subject.
Seems like you should have done a little more research on radios before trusting your "local radio dealer".
Who the hell spends $500 on a radio simply to "hack" the drive-thru window? Instead donate $500 to PLA.
Who the hell spends $500 on a radio simply to "hack" the drive-thru window? Instead donate $500 to PLA.
I agree! $500 bucks is pretty steep just to Hack the Drive-Thru of a McDonalds. I have a ham license, so I have different reasons for owning a $500 radio, but I would never pay that much for a Yaesu VX-7R! you can find them for under $300 on eBay!
But either way, it still is a lot of fun to take over the driver Thru!
I just ran out to the Dunkin Donuts for lunch from work. Dunkin is next door to McD. I was listening in on a woman placing an order, and ordered 4 bottles of water. I picked up the microphone and simply said "Sorry we're out of bottled water." and sat back and listened in on the mayem that ensued! Man the people that work at McD are stupid!
I wish I recorded it just so you could all hear the stupid woman mumbling trying to figure out what the hell was going on!
i think that you over paid like twice what its worth and rbcp did it with that radio so i bet it can be done
Are you fucking kidding me? WHERE THE FUCK DO THESE PEOPLE COME FROM?
The last post was made about 9 months ago. GTFO.
Uhm, under a bridge. That's where all trolls come from. DUH! ::)
From a cigarette factory -- that's where fags are made ;D
The whole prank, which I was stupid enough to fall for, got me to thinking about drive thrus. Is it possible to broadcast with them still? I figure they would have upgraded to some secure system. You people are making it sound like you can broadcast on their frequency with a yaesu or something. Is it still possible?
Sorry that I am adding to this post months after the fact, but I am curious.... And yes... I said you people.
The whole prank, which I was stupid enough to fall for, got me to thinking about drive thrus. Is it possible to broadcast with them still? I figure they would have upgraded to some secure system. You people are making it sound like you can broadcast on their frequency with a yaesu or something. Is it still possible?
Sorry that I am adding to this post months after the fact, but I am curious.... And yes... I said you people.
You apologized so I don't hate you. I do, however, both loathe and despise you though.
Is it because I'm a newb, or is it because this has probably been answered somewhere else in the forums?
Maybe it's because I'm black.
Is it because I'm a newb, or is it because this has probably been answered somewhere else in the forums?
Maybe it's because I'm black.
thats why
I move that this thread be locked before we are all further shamed. All in favor say aye.
Not that I have been made to feel like my voice matters.... but, aye.
welllll not that my opinion matters.... if ur willing to spend that much on a scanner to hear their orders and fiddle with them..... u should work at mcd's at the drive thru service to take the action HEAD ON!!!!!!
not that my opinion will strike u or anythin but yea =]
Not that I have been made to feel like my voice matters
welllll not that my opinion matters
You're opinions don't matter to anyone but you. And, also, aye.
AYE BECAUSE IM GOING TO DRIVE OFF OF AN OVERPASS BECAUSE NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley* *rainbowsmiley*
Is there any way to widen the range of frequencies an fm transmitter can broadcast on?
Is there any way to widen the range of frequencies an fm transmitter can broadcast on?
Buy a frequency widener
If you're left handed then you're gonna need a left handed widener. Don't make the same mistake I did :P