PLA Forums

Other Stuff That Has Little To Do With PLA => Phones in the News => Topic started by: jx on January 05, 2008, 08:25:26 PM

Title: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: jx on January 05, 2008, 08:25:26 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007

REEVES, La. —  After decades of living with what Mayor Scott Walker calls a stigma, residents of this southwest Louisiana village are getting a new telephone exchange, one without the biblical connotations attached to their current 666.

Beginning this month, residents and businesses can change the first three digits of their phone numbers from 666 to 749. Walker said he's made the change on his phone; it's set to be official for City Hall Jan. 2, and Walker said he'd had "20" people contact him Friday morning — before 10 a.m. — about changing, as well.

"This boils down to, this is a very, very religious community," Walker said.

There are three churches in town, two Bible and one Baptist, and fewer than 450 homes, he said. In the Bible, 666 is depicted as the mark of the beast, and those taking the mark would be associating themselves with Satan, he said.

"It's been a 40-year battle" to change the number, he said, counting at least four failed attempts.

This year, after a resident contacted the mayor with questions about the prefix, Walker said he polled residents and found overwhelming support for a change. He worked with the phone company, CenturyTel, and the state Public Service Commission among others to make the change. He said he began publicizing the option Sunday, addressing first the local churches and then reaching out to local media.

"It's been a black eye for our town, a stigma," he said. "I don't think it's anything bad on us, just an image."

Walker said one of the biggest hangups [Jenn adds: Pun intended? XD] he's had, both as mayor and as a lifelong resident of Reeves, is the reaction he's gotten when giving people his number. He describes it as a pause, followed by the admonition: "Y'all have to change that."

"That's what we're trying to get rid of," he said. "This is a good town. ... We're good Christian people.",2933,318765,00.html
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MattGSX on January 07, 2008, 11:13:06 AM
You're like sidepocket, but hot.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: Tachyon on January 07, 2008, 02:19:58 PM
You're like sidepocket, but hot.

I second that sentence with a vengeance!
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MattGSX on January 09, 2008, 11:01:26 AM
Well, at least hot compared to sidepocket.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: frog on January 09, 2008, 12:13:25 PM
Well, at least hot compared to sidepocket.

New girl goes 8 and 0 with her leet rating. Unbelievable.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MattGSX on January 09, 2008, 12:26:07 PM
I've been MSpainting and making wicked burns for over a year and I'm still out-lamed (at the time of writing) 15 to 12 (after reducing the fractions), but I owe a good portion of that to Zewb and Generik_Phreak and their leet bombing.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: Tachyon on January 09, 2008, 01:57:19 PM
my burns are pretty shaggy since I can't afford razer blades.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: jx on January 09, 2008, 07:44:38 PM
Thanks. That's good to know.

I'm not new. I'm old. Not Arbie old, but close.


P.S. Who is sidepocket? ???

P.P.S. 12 now. :P
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MattGSX on January 10, 2008, 07:06:08 AM
Sidepocket occasionally makes real posts but usually all he does is repost news stories without any sort of editorializing. Usually, he won't even do us the luxury of copying the story into the post - he just posts the title and a link.

See, it's funny because we yell at Sidepocket any time he does what you did, but other people are allowed to do it for some unfathomable reason.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: jx on January 10, 2008, 09:02:32 AM
(Beeeeeeep! This has been a threadjack. If it has been an actual on topic post, it would not have been prefaced with this warning. This has been a threadjack. Beeeeeeep!)

Ok, I'll bite. ;D

I'm confused. Maybe like the leet points and the nitpicking (or maybe that door only swings one way), it is because I'm a girl.  ;D

I'm not being yelled at though I've been compared to Sidepocket which I later learned is an unfavorable comparison. ???

I posted the title, the link and the article. The only thing I failed to do was editorialize because I thought it spoke for itself and any editorializing on my part would be stating the obvious and I didn't want to insult your intelligence or mine.

But, since I have been told I was wrong, I will correct the error.

"LOLOMGWTF What retards!"

Thank you for your constructive criticism. I will be sure not to make the same error in the future,
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: murd0c on January 10, 2008, 10:48:53 AM
Jenn has been around for forever and she's totally not hot. She has been around longer than most of you (and including me).

What I mean is she's way old for woman, like RBCP old. Don't believe her lies.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: jx on January 10, 2008, 11:05:27 AM
That's what I meant. I'm not (a) new (lady) but (an) old (lady), almost as old as RBCP. Granny panties old.

Granny panties != hot


Jenn != hot


Apologies for the ambiguity,
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: rbcp on January 11, 2008, 09:21:07 AM
Sidepocket posted things that had nothing to do with phones, hacking, the internet, technology, etc.  Jenn is no Sidepocket.  Hi Jenn!
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MattGSX on January 11, 2008, 09:25:28 AM
I prefer Jenn over Sidepocket any day. Jenn makes real posts, too, and her story was both amusing and in the correct forum.

Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: Tachyon on January 11, 2008, 09:32:53 AM
Can we be like peas and carrots?
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: gangals on January 11, 2008, 10:05:02 AM
Peas and carrots? No.

But potatoes and apple wedges, possibly.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: mr_doc on January 11, 2008, 05:13:57 PM
Am I the only one that would like to see her tits here? Jesus, how long can this thread go on without mentioning boobs?
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: MIB on January 12, 2008, 08:27:09 AM
OK I'll make the official request.

Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: frog on January 13, 2008, 04:28:18 PM
Recent polls suggest that everyone would like to see her tits. But that's just a statistit.
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: jx on January 13, 2008, 08:25:45 PM

You're punny, frog. You know what they say about statistit, don't you?  ;D
Title: Re: 'Very Religious Community' Gets Rid of 666 Phone Prefix
Post by: johnnyhacker on January 14, 2008, 02:49:37 AM
show them-show them-show them.