Today a customer of mine (who happens to be a Qwest field tech) dropped by with a laptop that needed repair. He booted it up to demonstrate the problem, and BANG - right there, on the desktop, was a picture of his wife standing beside what was perhaps the TALLEST CACTUS I've ever seen. We're talking 30 feet tall here.
I couldn't help but laugh at this guy, fully decked-out with his toolbelt and Qwest denim shirt, holding a laptop with a CACTUS on it. Too bad I didn't have a camera.
He asked why I was laughing, and I asked him what was with the cactus. He said it was because he liked it, as did his wife. Then we both laughed. Then I saw the Post-It stuck to the machine with his COSM0S dial-up, user, password, and WC written on it, and I laughed some more.
I wonder how many other telco people out there are secretly PLA sympathizers or, better yet, fans?