Author Topic: ChaCha search  (Read 22788 times)

Offline Altalp

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #75 on: January 26, 2007, 09:28:54 AM »
I got this back on the 10th..

Hi ******,

You were reported as having posted a picture of ChaCha’s application on a forum.  That content is property of ChaCha Search, inc. and we would prefer you did not post such material as it is in violation of ChaCha’s public discussion policy. 

Consider this a warning as it was relatively innocuous and upon investigation you seem to be a very effective.  Let’s just not let it happen again.


Justin Keller

Soo when the new application comes out... dont post sceenshots of it.  Or if you do be more discreet about it.   
I really have no idea how they knew I posted a screen shot when I did. I created a totally new email for chacha and my sn I always use isnt even contected to it.  Its like they can see into my soul... CHACHA SCARES ME!

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #76 on: January 26, 2007, 10:52:51 AM »
I really have no idea how they knew I posted a screen shot when I did.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Offline crxquake

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #77 on: January 26, 2007, 12:00:33 PM »
hmm.  interesting.  i seem to have in my personal possession quite a few chacha screenshots from either searches gone bad, or just messing with people that are trying to mess with a guide. (which is miraculously easier than it may sound)  i cant count the number of times some punk searches for something stupid and just starts talking to me.  i usually will get the better end of the deal asking the user to search for something so i can get paid.  after all, thats the only motivation guides have to do the job. (well, other than the satisfaction of helping grandma and retarded college student a looking for you to do all the research they have for a 10 page essay.  chachacha

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2007, 09:20:25 AM »
Yesterday I didn't get a chance to post this piece of news that greeted me as I logged in:

ChaCha News

News Update:  Monday, January 29, 2007

Guide Deactivation: Acting inappropriately during Training sessions

We continue to hear reports of Guides acting inappropriately in Training, both trainers and trainees.  Abusing training sessions is detrimental to our Guide community and to ChaCha.

ChaCha will immediately deactivate any Guide that acts inappropriately during training sessions, including ‘milking the session’ and berating other Guides.  Trainers should treat each training session as if they were a person searching on  You can provide additional constructive feedback on the profile page using graffiti messaging.

Each Guide must read through the following posts PRIOR to your next training session and report any training abuse to ChaCha via the feedback form in the KnowledgeBase, including the search query, date and time of each training session.

Offline enzo94

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #79 on: February 08, 2007, 10:29:03 PM »
Hey everyone I'm new to the forums but not to the site. This is my first post here so don't flame me or anything because my Cha Cha was kinda boring and dumb BUt I want to post it anyway.

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Sherrie(72217)
Sherrie(72217): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: HI
Sherrie(72217): hello
Sherrie(72217): what is it you're looking for??
You: Can you search for the CHa Cha search in the pla forems
Sherrie(72217): Umm sure i guess
You: Have you found it?
Sherrie(72217): umm
Sherrie(72217): it says i need to sign up
You: It doesn't tell me that.
Sherrie(72217): Well maybe you are signed up :)
Sherrie(72217): actually i found it
You: Well you need to go sign up to look at it. You'll LIke it!
You: You need to read it.
Sherrie(72217): alright how much of it?
Sherrie(72217): interesting
You: Just as much as you want, no wait just page 2.
Sherrie(72217): So i guess I'm going to be on your forums ?
Sherrie(72217): Wow, I found a sherri c on here
You: No your not exiting BUT, if you say something crazy You'll go down in history and become famos!
Sherrie(72217): Really?
You: Probably.
You: *cough*
Sherrie(72217): Hm let me think of something
Sherrie(72217): I got it
Sherrie(72217): ok ok
Sherrie(72217): It's a joke
You: ok
You: go on
Sherrie(72217): Ok so
< 8  minute wait >
You: so......
You: but serously tell me the joke
You: i got blood on my shirt now
You: you atleast owe me a joke
You: even if it is bleek unorganized and boring
You: Hello?
You: You bitch!
You: Fuck!!!!!!

I really did cut my hand by the way but it wasn't bad.
Bodies are for hookers and fat people

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #80 on: February 10, 2007, 09:51:55 PM »
I told them to look up a picture of "A sad mime riding a unicycle" After a hour and being redirected i manged to stump her  ;D ! Good times
(notice it goes from Sid,To a veitnam vetran to sarah to lisa)

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Elizabeth(73602)
Elizabeth(73602): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hey
Elizabeth(73602): Hi there
Elizabeth(73602): What is it that you are searching for?
You: Yeah can you tell me what the phone losers of america is.
Elizabeth(73602): I'll try
You: Thank you hunny
You: oohh
You: thanks
You: buh bye
You: Thanks, I'm done.
Status: Session ended.
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Kelly(29029)
Kelly(29029): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hey!
Kelly(29029): Give me a moment to search for that information.
You: Yeah i need a picture of a sad mime riding a unicycle
You: cool
You: This is for a grandchild in the hospital
You: it would mean alot to little sid
Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: alisha(73533)
alisha(73533): Welcome to ChaCha!
alisha(73533): hello, one moment while i search your query for you
alisha(73533): I"m sorry to say that I am unable to find this for you. Is there anything else I can help you with or would you like me to transfer you?
You: yes
You: please
alisha(73533): transfer?
You: yes
alisha(73533): ok have a great night and good luck
Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: Alice(75902)
Alice(75902): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: hey
Alice(75902): Hello! I will be helping you with your search today. In order for me to find the very best websites available for you, it would be best if you would elaborate a little about any specific information you might want.
Alice(75902): Hi there
You: pictures of sad mimes riding unicycles
You: its for a vetran of vietnam
You: whos ill in the hospital
Alice(75902): I'd be happy to help you with that. If you will bear with me one moment, I will compile some information for you.
You: alright
Alice(75902): Tricky one....bear with me one more moment and I'll have something for you
You: nice lady thank you
Alice(75902): You're welcome
Alice(75902): I'm finding sad ones...but none on unicycles. They all look happy riding the unicycles.
Alice(75902): But I'm still looking....I don't give up easily
You: Sure this would mean alot to sarah shes in the hospital because of a fractured wrist and femur
Alice(75902): awwww
Alice(75902): I'm so sorry
Alice(75902): well we'll find something ify ou have time I have time
You: thanks
Alice(75902): They don't look very sad
You: hmm sounds like a ol' photo shop job for rusty devil! Alright thanks allice have a nice day and support
Alice(75902): :-) I'm still looking
You: Thanks!
Alice(75902): See, he isn't sad
Alice(75902): hmmm
You: yeah
Alice(75902): I would have never guessed this would have been as difficult as it has been!
You: Hmm i like the photo i think i'm happy with that one lisa will like that thanks!
Alice(75902): You win the award for stumping me, My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
Alice(75902): No problem, I hope she feels better
Alice(75902): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2007, 02:54:21 AM »
This is the best one i've gotten so far  :P

This is a search for "Getting away with murder"

Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Jason(22017)
Jason(22017): Welcome to ChaCha!
Jason(22017): Welcome to ChaCha! Please wait a moment while I search for your results.
You: kk
Jason(22017): The Papa Roach song or actual ways to get away with it?
You: i hate papa roach, i just want to off this bitch brotha
You: but i want to do it slick like
Jason(22017): hmm..
Jason(22017): Yes disposing of the body will take some creativity
You: yeah i been thinking about that
Jason(22017): What method do you intend to use
You: im open to suggestions, which do you recommend?
Jason(22017): Do you need to hire a hit man or are you going to do this hands-on?
You: i want this clean as possible
You: i dont have the money for a hitman
Jason(22017): What do you have in the way of weapons
You: no guns :/
Jason(22017): Hmm
Jason(22017): How about poisoning
You: poisoning works for me
You: how do i get the right poison though, they would look for rat poison
Jason(22017): Probably
Jason(22017): Can you get your hands on some mehtodone
You: theres a lot of druggies where i live so probably
Jason(22017): I would suggest anything you could make look like a suicide or accidental overdose


Another fun search is "Hot to NOT download farm porn" or in that direction.

it seems that alot of chacha guides arent sure about the rules or don't care to follow them, for example one nice lady told me she could not help me find personal information for wilford brimley, but then gave in (after some smooth talk from myself) and helped me after all!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 03:02:21 AM by hello.jpg »
"We just pressed our TRACE button!!!"

Offline M-26-7

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2007, 01:58:03 PM »

Offline fredsambo

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #83 on: February 28, 2007, 02:42:41 PM »
"we don't use google"

That is just a load of crap, when i WAS a guide I ONLY used google!  My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.

Offline M-26-7

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2007, 03:48:54 PM »
Yeah and I told that bitch pretty damn quick.

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2007, 06:00:51 PM »
this guide actualy tried to convince me to leave my fictional battered wife:

a search for "Home Correction"

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: karen(56833)
karen(56833): Welcome to ChaCha!
karen(56833): Hello!
You: hiya
karen(56833): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.
You: a definition
You: or a pro\con
karen(56833): Okay,let me see what I can find for you on that topic .
Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: chrysan(15032)
chrysan(15032): Welcome to ChaCha!
chrysan(15032): hello there
chrysan(15032): can i ask for a little more info to your querry?
You: i want to stop beating my wife
You: but i dont know how to make her stay in line
You: without violence
chrysan(15032): ok i will search that for you
chrysan(15032): one moment while i search
You: sure thing
chrysan(15032): this is for a boyfriend but its the same
chrysan(15032): still searching
You: ohh
You: your getting the wrong idea
You: i can stop hitting her anytime i want
You: i just want to make sure she minds
chrysan(15032): ok i will search that
chrysan(15032): see what comes up
chrysan(15032): ok so you want to stop hitting her but you want her to mind?
You: yeah, i need to make sure she listens
You: because the judge says this is my last strike
chrysan(15032): do you think there is anger management involved?
You: what do you mean?
chrysan(15032): i sent a wife submission for you
chrysan(15032): still searching
You: its just
You: i work really long hours
You: at a job i hate
You: i come home i'd like to see what my father saw
chrysan(15032): ok i can understan that
You: dinner on the table
chrysan(15032): yes i agree
chrysan(15032): house clean
You: especially that
chrysan(15032): home made meals
chrysan(15032): dishes clean
chrysan(15032): beds made
chrysan(15032): bathroom clean smells good
chrysan(15032): laundry done
You: that
You: the biggest problem is
chrysan(15032): maybe you and her need to go to counselling
You: that she gets flip
You: late at night, i like to relax and see where things go from there
You: when she says something along the lines of "Not tonight, i have a headache"
chrysan(15032): well this might hurt maybe she does this because she want sout of the marriage
You: i say...heres the advil
chrysan(15032): well obviously she does not want to be intimate with you
chrysan(15032): i think counselling will help you guys
You: thats the thing though
You: she always says no
chrysan(15032): ohh
chrysan(15032): i feel for you
chrysan(15032): you want the right thing
chrysan(15032): you can 't help this if only one person wants better
chrysan(15032): its a 2 way street
chrysan(15032): you want it but she doesn't
chrysan(15032): one hand can't clap
You: i know what your saying
chrysan(15032): does she want a divorce/
chrysan(15032): ?
You: our nights usual end in her calling me a name, then me hitting her
You: thats the thing!!!
You: i want a divorce
You: but im stuck with her
chrysan(15032): well you need to stop hitting
You: she always says "But we can work this out!"
chrysan(15032): and your wife has personal issues she needs to work out
chrysan(15032): she needs help
chrysan(15032): she is angry abiout something
chrysan(15032): about
chrysan(15032): is she seeing someone else?
chrysan(15032): do you know
You: i wish, she wont give me any, but she is obsessivly jealous
chrysan(15032): soemtimes this is key why she is not really part of what you want
chrysan(15032): well the best thing is counselling
chrysan(15032): you can't make this better
You: every time i hit her
You: i feel bad about it
chrysan(15032): and maybe sex with you does not make her happy
You: and we go through the same conversation
You: i try to convince her to go to a shelter
You: she wont
chrysan(15032): anytime you hit a woman she secretly hates you the last thing she wany=ts is for you to touch her
You: then i end up hitting her more
You: i just get soooo mad
chrysan(15032): you do have anger management issues
chrysan(15032): you need to learn to control your temper
chrysan(15032): you guys need counsellinmg
You: no i mean i get mad she wont leave when i hit her
chrysan(15032): do yuo want her to leave
You: i had the idea to hit her about a year ago
You: it just wont work
You: she wont leave
chrysan(15032): so you want her to leave you
You: thats why i hit her
chrysan(15032): you want out of this marriage/
You: but she wont
chrysan(15032): then you are handling it all wrong
You: i need any advice i can get
You: any ideas
You: ?
chrysan(15032): yuo need to be thruthful
chrysan(15032): yuo really need to tell her you don't think this marrige is working out and that you don't want to hurt her but you are not into the marrige
chrysan(15032): she obviously still loves you
chrysan(15032): thats why she is hanging in there
You: your absolutley right
chrysan(15032): you are living a lie
You: you know we were on tv for this may of last year
You: you ever watch nbc?
chrysan(15032): you need dr phil
You: thats what we were on
You: last may
chrysan(15032): yes i do byr i am a flight attendant
chrysan(15032): most of my time is in the skies
You: he said the exact same thing you just said
chrysan(15032): makes sense
chrysan(15032): you are making both your lives unhappy
chrysan(15032): tell her how you feel
chrysan(15032): a new start is never a bad thing
You: your right
You: its time for me to move forward
You: hey
chrysan(15032): you are not helping your life especially if there is kids involved
You: could you find me the number for that rejection line, if it still exists
chrysan(15032): i can search and see what comes up
chrysan(15032): one moment
You: nothing says goodbye
You: like an automated message
chrysan(15032): no its not htere
chrysan(15032): there
You: ty anyway
chrysan(15032): sorry i type too fast
You: thx 4 all the advice
chrysan(15032): please tell her
chrysan(15032): have a great evening
You: u2
chrysan(15032): Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha.
Status: Session ended.
"We just pressed our TRACE button!!!"


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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2007, 06:45:43 PM »
In French

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Ring: ...
Ring: ...
Status: Connected to guide: Christine(20974)
Christine(20974): Welcome to ChaCha!
You: avec qui est-ce que tu nage?
Christine(20974): With whom do I swim?
You: oui
Christine(20974): Porquoi, voulez vouz savoir?
You: parce que je t'aime?
Christine(20974): vraiment?
You: c'est vrai
Christine(20974): Qui est-vous?
You: Je suis ton destin
Christine(20974): au revoir
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 01:01:14 PM by PHISH-PHREAK »

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Re: ChaCha search
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2007, 01:14:13 AM »
I am literally rolling around on the floor all crazy-like as I laugh. xD I like the french one  *rainbowsmiley*