Author Topic: relay call taken from the pla conference line  (Read 1976 times)


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relay call taken from the pla conference line
« on: April 05, 2007, 08:50:42 PM »
Connecting to relay center...
Session started at 11:35pm on Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hello! CA#15005M
Special Instructions:
Welcome to freeconcall (navigating)
(recording for relay)
press 752 please  GA
i got root guys ga
No, he's real. Sam, he has root.  GA
thanks for giving me root, root owns you ga
Root owns the boss that you have root on.
yes it does and i won 100 dollars for this call ga
Damn yahoo sending me spam
no thanks  GA
cool. do you want that in small bills or all pennies qq  GA
sweet My ass has fallen off due to laughter. small bills please ga
tornadoes cactus yeah ga
cactus tornadoes meow ga
alright, i took a hundred dollars worth of pennies before and put them all in socks and ran them -- (talking too cactus) -- and saw and old lady and gave her a good whack along the clavicle. i took the other sock and hit her square in the face, her dentures flew out. she deserved it though. she was one of those hand wringing old types.
jesus christ god. (M)
that's not in the script, where'd that come from qq stick to your script.
cactus meow root ga
who am i ga
ooh, that's code you know, that's not code, don't say anything about the code (M) don't say anything about the code, that's right.
okay, watermelon, ergo peach pie  GA
(M) shiver bomb  GA
lateral penisbot ga
(unclear) do a whois on...  GA
(M) what.. qq you know, i'm paying for this. (laughs)
that's too funny man
(M) and you are too.
(M)oh my god.
i am bill gates little cousin cindy  GA
(M)damn the guy's got a good tone too. he sounds like big brother. penis bot. that's right, he's typing everything we say. oh. oh. shit. (M)the person could save the conversation and posted it on the forums (M)that would be fun if a (cactus) started cutting and pasting. that would be funny.
cindy needs something ga
whoa. (M) where did that come from qq(M) i don't think that was typed, i think that just came from the relay operator. (cactus) calling yourself cindy qq you need a shot of estrogen.  GA
(M) who is this guy qq
(M) whoever he gots on the other side got a root
(M) they got massive root. i like cactus all the way
(M) impressive.
the condour isnt an endagerment to my health ga
(M) do you believe the condor is really an endangered species qq  GA
(M) (talking too fast)
(M) condours again qq
meow simmons ga
mr. richards qq
could you imagine that qq i've heard ashes of a loved one in a joint and blazing that
(M)you know what, we should make the relay operator hang up qq (M)why qq he's just getting callouses on his fingers
(M) i'm sure there are better ways of getting callouses on his hands, (too fast cactus)
cactus owns you all pla rocks check the forums later for a new post My ass has fallen off due to laughter. ga
oh god. cactus owns us all.
i been owned.
i've gotta see what it looks ilke qq
operator, what's your operator number again qq
(M) no, don't identify yourself.
(M) dude, i'm trying to tell you no.
(M) you were warned
(M)god, that's going to be posted everywhere.
(M)dude, in 4 weeks, you google that, and it'll be everywhere
(M) if you google his ID, it'll show up on search everywhere
(M) he's going to be famous
(M) but not.. well..
(M) well, that could be good
(M) i don't know, that could be good.
phreaking with a ph like non stop cacti ga
(M) that depends on your perspective.
(M) is he typing qq
(M) I hear him, he's typing right now.
(M) he's typing fast.
(M) it has to be bits and pieces.
(M) operator I can type faster than you.
(M) what foo ph qq ph qq lphqq
(M) yes ph
(M) what the hell is that qq
super duper roller coaster fe fi fo fum diddly diddly dum dum ga
that the new 100 mph that's defunct ain't it
(M) who the hell.. is awesome
nark nark ga
(M)diddly diddly dum dum diddly.. hi ho, diddly diddly neighbour, i'm ned flanders.
nark nark  GA
everybody hear us (singign)
not me... (CACTUS) ned flanders
nark qq
god that's scary
narkity naked cactus GA
somewhere there's a white line with a blue pair of pants.. all of a sudden a zipper... a pair of lips... shoot the moon.  GA
what film was that from qq  GA
i don't even have an account
(M) i'm root toxin on the forums
(M) i don't have a name
(M) mmhmm
(M) anybody else want a forum accoutn qq
(M) yeah i got a forum account.
(M)  pays him well
(M) won't you guess my name
well script kiddie is out to post this on the forums ga
(M) i don't know, maybe if you make a recent post
(M) okay, yeah yeah yeah
(M)  i better go check right now and see
woot owned My ass has fallen off due to laughter. bye sksk
(M) well i'm logged in
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 10:12:24 AM by r00t_toxin »


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Re: relay call taken from the pla conference line
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 08:59:11 PM »
haha, that operator was hard of hearing.


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Re: relay call taken from the pla conference line
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 09:01:06 PM »
id say haha

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Re: relay call taken from the pla conference line
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 09:15:50 PM »
...she was one of those hand wringing old types

My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.!

He got it wrong. I said hand wringing Grandmother types!