Author Topic: ^_^  (Read 1628 times)

Offline trevelyn

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« on: May 10, 2007, 03:58:17 PM »
My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. hi.

Offline Mr.Cactus

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Re: ^_^
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 04:21:20 PM »
8============D 8 < but cheeks

Offline trevelyn

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Re: ^_^
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 09:08:15 PM »
sorry i forgot what i was going to say and just said My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. hi.

does anybody know where to get a REALLY long wordlist for John the Ripper?? i have one thats 10 MB but i want one thats like 100+

Offline splynt0r

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Re: ^_^
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 01:13:03 AM »
#  Codet by broken-error | 404-crew
use strict;
$|= print "
   +                         +
   +   Wordlist P0wer v1.1   +
   +                         +
|Lieber Hass als gespielte Liebe|

1) Vierstellige Buchstaben
2) Vierstellige Zahlen
3) Vierstellige Buchten mit einstelliger Zahl
4) Fuenfstellige Buchstaben
5) Fuenfstellige Zahlen
6) Fuenfstellige Buchstaben mit einstelliger Zahl
7) Alles oben genannte auf einmal
my $var1 = 'aaaa';
my $var2 = 'zzzz';
my $var3 = '0000';
my $var4 = '9999';
my $var5 = 'aaa1';
my $var6 = 'zzz9';
my $var7 = 'aaaaa';
my $var8 = 'zzzzz';
my $var9 = '00000';
my $var10 = '99999';
my $var11 = 'aaaa1';
my $var12 = 'zzzz9';
print "Auswahl: ";
my $eingabe = <STDIN>;
for($eingabe) {
  if    ($eingabe == 1)  {
 open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var1...$var2) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
  elsif ($eingabe == 2) {
  open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var3...$var4) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
 elsif ($eingabe == 3)  {
   open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var5...$var6) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
   elsif ($eingabe == 4)  {
   open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var7...$var8) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
   elsif ($eingabe == 5)  {
   open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var9...$var10) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
   elsif ($eingabe == 6)  {
   open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var11...$var12) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}
   elsif ($eingabe == 7)  {
   open(WORDS, ">> words.txt");
  for($var1...$var2,$var3...$var4,$var5...$var6,$var7...$var8,$var9...$var10,$var11...$var12) {
   print WORDS $_;
   print WORDS "\n";}

#  Codet by broken-error | 404-crew
# Codet for
# Wordlist Power GUI
# Feel the GUI effect :D
use Tk;
my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $top = $mw->Frame(-background => 'White')->pack('-side' => 'top');
$top->Photo('logo', -file => "wpbanner.gif");
$top->Label('-image' => 'logo')->pack();
$mw->title ("WoRdLiSt PoWeR GUI");
my $label1 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Name der Wordlist:");
my $entry1 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $button1= $mw->Button(-text=>"[Exit]",-background=>"red",-command=>\&cmd_button);
my $button2= $mw->Button(-text=>"Buchstaben",-command=>\&buchstaben);
my $button3= $mw->Button(-text=>"Zahlen",-command=>\&zahlen);
my $button4= $mw->Button(-text=>"Buchstaben mit Zahl",-command=>\&alphanumeric);
my $button5= $mw->Button(-text=>"Alles",-command=>\&all);
$label1->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'nw');
$entry1->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'nw');

   sub cmd_button {
      $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Progamm wird beendet!");
   sub buchstaben {
   my $val = $entry1->get;
   my $var1 = 'aaaa';
   my $var2 = 'zzzz';
   my $var7 = 'aaaaa';
   my $var8 = 'zzzzz';
   open(Buchstaben, ">> $val");
   for($var1...$var2,$var7...$var8) {
   print Buchstaben $_;
   print Buchstaben "\n";}
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Wordlist erstellt!");
   sub zahlen {
   my $val = $entry1->get;
   my $var3 = '0000';
   my $var4 = '9999';
   my $var9 = '00000';
   my $var10 = '99999';
   open(Buchstaben, ">> $val");
   for($var3...$var4,$var9...$var10) {
   print Buchstaben $_;
   print Buchstaben "\n";}
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Wordlist erstellt!");
   sub alphanumeric {
   my $val = $entry1->get;
   my $var5 = 'aaa1';
   my $var6 = 'zzz9';
   my $var11 = 'aaaa1';
   my $var12 = 'zzzz9';
   open(Buchstaben, ">> $val");
   for($var5...$var6,$var11...$var12) {
   print Buchstaben $_;
   print Buchstaben "\n";}
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Wordlist erstellt!");
   sub all {
   my $val = $entry1->get;
   my $var1 = 'aaaa';
   my $var2 = 'zzzz';
   my $var3 = '0000';
   my $var4 = '9999';
   my $var5 = 'aaa1';
   my $var6 = 'zzz9';
   my $var7 = 'aaaaa';
   my $var8 = 'zzzzz';
   my $var9 = '00000';
   my $var10 = '99999';
   my $var11 = 'aaaa1';
   my $var12 = 'zzzz9';
   open(Buchstaben, ">> $val");
   for($var1...$var2,$var3...$var4,$var5...$var6,$var7...$var8,$var9...$var10,$var11...$var12) {
   print Buchstaben $_;
   print Buchstaben "\n";}
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Wordlist erstellt!");
# GUI ftw ;)

Both Wordlistmakers were coded  by Broken-error , Have fun.
( They are In German, so if you have questions , just ask.)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 01:14:36 AM by splynt0r »

Offline trevelyn

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    • WeakNet Labs
Re: ^_^
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 07:27:26 AM »
sweet thanks, i will test them out now looks great.