I was in a well traveled fuel stop and was waiting to pay for a fuel purchase when noticed a couple of cell phones in a box full of junk behind the till.
I paid for my fuel then told the clerk that i lost my cell phone and was wondering if anyone had turned it in.
She asked what kind it was and i told her it was a company phone that was changed every time i had days off, so it was new to me when it was lost and i couldnt remember the make but i knew what it looked like.
She grabbed the box and asked if i recognized it so i picked the one that looked the best and said yeah thats it.
I booked and went outside to check out the phone but the battery was dead so i tossed in my glove box.
It took a week for me to pick up a cord for it and when i powered it up it still had service.
It's been a couple of weeks and it still has service but never rings .
It has a voice mail box with an automated greeting and the last 4 numbers of the phone number as the password but there isnt ever any messages.
Im proud of me new found se'ing skills but at the same time i dont have a clue wtf to do with the phone now that i have it.
Does this mean i'm too much of an asshole to ever be a real Phone Loser ?
Should i commit suicide and be buried with my new stolen phone or just start shooting up massive amounts of heroin to compensate for my lack of leetness.
I'm so confused!