from the windows machine go to here: and download the VNC viewer.
Then on the Ubuntu machine go to "System->Preferences->Remote Desktop" and click "allow other users to view my desktop"
and "allow other users to control my desktop" Then sometimes you have to restart, sometimes not. Open the terminal and type
"ifconfig <networkcardname e.g. eth0,ath0, etc> | grep inet" to get the Ubuntu machines LAN Address.
Now, go back to the Windows machine and run the vnc viewer and plug in the IP address. You can edit the settings because LANs are super fast
to be of best quality or not. The Ubuntu Desktop will open up in a new window, and you can control it from there. If you want to record the WHOLE thing, I'd suggest using Camtasia studio 5, (or 3 whatever version is out now) and it's a windows application but it will record the Ubuntu window AND your WindowsXP windows. I had to make recordings during the Fon Router hack FROM my Ubuntu machine and I simply used "Recordmydesktop" which i got from the normal APT repositories. And well, the files were -> avi but the codec was weird, so when i would try to import them into the Camtasia, it said "No way man." So i found out a way to make Camtasia record all streming/playing video stuff in windows. Simply right click on the desktop, and click Properties->Settings->Advanced" Then clikc the "Troubleshoot tab at the top, and slide the Hardware Acceleration tab to the left so it says "NONE" and that's it. You can record streaming stuff. (Remember to put it back when you're done) But, i then played the [weirded out codec'ed] avi in VLC and record it with Camtasia. if you guys need help with making tutorials let me know via PM or whatever. - thanks for watching my TV station!
- Trevelyn.