http://trevelyn.blip.tvmaking the new "Web Detective Hacking" video that shows off bash scripting and bash hacking. heh. well, i ran my script and it stopped about half way through the wgets of the list and BAM! my IP was banned. heh. i could access the site fine from canada, the UK (2Dial*Phreak), and any proxies i had access to. So weird right? I wonder if its automated? whatever, this shows you some Web Detective Hacking with a bash shell rather than your browser. - hope ye like it - fire it up.
- trev.
EDIT: oh yeah, another thing, remember my past videos/pdfs on WDH? I always used Milw0rm as a subject, so maybe loads of people read/watched my stuff and tried it? because remember there never used to be the "leech protection"
- sweet.