Sorry to bring up a old thread, but I am finally ready to do this!I got a bench grinder, a dremmel, gloves and safety glasses, I paid over a $100 for all of it. I got all this from my local Ace Hardware and I just spent $20 on hacksaw blades, but then I find out I cant use them because they are "shatter proof".What ones should I look for next time I'm in there or will any other type do because I'm almost out of money and I want to have enough left so I can get a good multi-tool.
Also there are some other picking tools that seem cool to make, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.I would sort of like to make a set of jigglers, a tubular lock tension tool and whatever else I can make with some hacksaw blades or windshield wiper metal strips.
Ill be using templates off this site try and post pictures so you can judge if they are good or not.