Author Topic: So I've started fixing up old computers  (Read 2842 times)

Offline MattGSX

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So I've started fixing up old computers
« on: July 01, 2008, 04:04:24 PM »
A couple weeks ago, after moving into my new apartment, I realized I was getting really bored. I have next to no Internet access at home now, and drinking until I reach critical mass while playing PSO only works for so long.

Frustrated, I posted ads on craigslist and freecycle, looking for old computers/parts. In the last couple of days, I've received:

-IBM Thinkpad R60 (pre-Lenovo merge)
-IBM Thinkpad "unknown model" notebook
-6 HP Deskpro mini-towers (pre Compaq Deskpro)
-5 10 gb HDDs
- A bunch of random, unsorted memories
-Extra cases, with and without power supplies.
-Peripherals up the ass

And I keep getting emails and phone calls EVERY DAY. With most counties/communities requiring the public to pay for recycling computers, they're looking for someone to just dump systems off on. I'm actually getting paid to take another load of computers from the people that had the Deskpro's, just because the county wants $25 a piece to recycle them. Hopefully, I'll have a few complete systems before the end of the summer, and I can sell them off for extra cash in the fall.

Has anyone else done something like this, or considered it as a way to accumulate hardware/spend time/make a few bucks?

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 09:39:27 PM »
I knew a guy who claimed he was making pretty good money by melting the gold out of old PCs.  Try a Google search on that, maybe it works.

Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 07:26:30 PM »
That's not a bad idea, but I was really thinking more of re-configuring computers. I made some decent money melting gold down, but I'd still be stuck with all the other components.

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 04:06:42 AM »
Actually, I'll be stealing your idea. If there are profits to be made off fixing junkers; damnit, I'm going to do it.

Offline Altalp

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 05:10:59 AM »
I did this a year or so ago on freecycle. I got a few computers from it. I also had a local company offer me "100  HP E-PC 733- 933 MHz, 256 ram, 20gb HDD, Cd-Rom, NIC, video"    if i had a Non-profit tax ID. At the time those computers were going for around $100-$150 on ebay so I tried to get my hands on a tax ID quickly, but failed.  It would be worth it to look into getting a non profit tax id, you could then contact these companies and take their old computers off their hands. can you say $$$$$

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 06:09:23 AM »
I can do it through my current job, as we have a charitable organization (so I'm sure we have a non-prof ID, as well as our regular one). However, I wouldn't do that unless I was actually planning on not profiting. Stupid ethics and all.

It sounds like re-furbishing is actually becoming a pretty popular business, what with computer recycling getting expensive and corporate responsibility and all that fun stuff.

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 06:44:57 AM »
I can do it through my current job, as we have a charitable organization (so I'm sure we have a non-prof ID, as well as our regular one). However, I wouldn't do that unless I was actually planning on not profiting. Stupid ethics and all.

It sounds like re-furbishing is actually becoming a pretty popular business, what with computer recycling getting expensive and corporate responsibility and all that fun stuff.

Screw the companies. Another plus is building a junker so people who want to use a computer in the house can piss off and use the dinky one assembled just for them. No more goat on guy action on my hard drive, no sir!

So what was in your ad anyway? Willing to take old and used systems for free, contact Mr.MattGSX at XXX-XXXX?

Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 06:56:03 AM »
Basically. Even though I'm not running this as a non-prof, I'm still going to be donating some of the computers I finish.

I totally reccomend:
1) If you can drive, offer to pick up. You'll get some pretty amazing stuff that way, and you can pick what you want and don't want there.
2) Find a charity/organization beforehand that you can donate computers to. Even taking some to Goodwill is cool. I say this, not just so you can advertise it and get more stuff, but because it's the only chance some kids are going to get to own a computer.
3) Post want ads on craigslist and freecycle. I don't include my phone #, but you can. Any other site that runs in your community is cool, too.
4) In your ad (on criagslist), be sure to point out that computer recycling normally costs money. People hate spending money.
5) Set up an inventory system beforehand, so you can keep track of what's coming in and what's going out.
6) Set up a website to display computers once finished, along with your mission statement (be sure to include the charity thing again)
7) Ebay? I toyed with the idea of re-posting the systems on craigslist, but I think I'd get my ass kicked if someone offered to buy back a computer they dropped off at my house a few days before.

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 07:06:25 AM »
Oh, no doubt. There are a few under-aged bastard demon spawns back in Maryland and a few around here I know would be more than happy to receive a computer of any sort. Plus it does give you that warm and fuzzy feeling. Granted after I've donated 3/4 of the systems away I'm going to try and turn profit with the other 1/4.

Why? Because I'm so damn poor right now it burns my eyes.

I know a local school around here is looking for systems. It's elementary, so I'm sure they won't be doing anything besides Math Blaster and Number Munchers.

I could probably cut a deal where I'd be able to manage their network and software for a fraction of what the other guys do. Besides, almost all of the old Apple II games are totally free now. Could managed with a 20 gig drive and load it up with all those ol' learning games.

Sort of torn on the idea of Salvation Army though. I saw a rig in there a few months back that was running an AMD K-III with only 128mb of RAM with Windows 98 on it and it was selling for 350. A system like that could easily be parted from you for a mere 100-165. But it'll be kept in mind. Plus you get a tax write off. Or so I think. Not too sure.

Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 10:37:20 AM »
Has anyone else done something like this, or considered it as a way to accumulate hardware/spend time/make a few bucks?
Thoughts, advice, personal experiences, etc. Any of these things would be wonderful ways to contribute to a conversation.

For example:
Matt: I noticed that people have to pay to recycle computers in my county, and the county just melts down the computers, wasting perfectly good components.
z3wb: Wow, that's a waste.
Matt: No kidding! So, I posted an ad on craigslist and on Freecycle saying I could recycle the computers for them, and that I want to build complete systems for personal use, resale, and donations. Have you ever done or considered this?
z3wb: Hot dog! That's a great idea. You can help cut down on waste, and I bet you keep all the good stuff for yourself.
Matt: Now you're thinking!

Come to think of it, I really don't need you for a conversation at all. Please stop posting.

Edit: aww... it's no fun when the original post is gone. Rest assured z3wb made some stupid comment
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 02:12:30 PM by MattGSX »

Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2008, 10:54:00 AM »
Whoo! Deskpros and laptops come in tomorrow!

I'm super-duper excited to be getting so much stuff at once:
-6 HP Deskpros (w/o HDDs or memory)
-IBM Thinkpad
-5 de-branded/brand unknown P3 desktops (Memory, no HDD).

Now I just need to unlock my XBox HDDs and make a USB boot disk so I can test the hardware when it comes in. Any suggestions?

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2008, 02:07:46 PM »
Could probably score a cheap 20-30gig internal drive at your local computer junk shop. Check there for a deal on stolen windows systems? Or do that live distro boot for various Linux OS's either using USB or CD. Whatever works for you.

Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2008, 02:21:51 PM »
I want to have internal hdd's for when I ship them, which is why I need to unlock my XBox hdd's (I have 4-5 10 gb's). I have a couple spare externals, but I'd like to put some hardware testing tools on a flash drive. If I could find debian stuff, I'd just port it over to sidux, and run that from a pendrive. Assuming the computer boots (and that the firmware supports USB booting), it could be an easy way to check the hdd, memory, mobo, etc when the stuff comes in. I know on Windows, there are all sorts of stress tests you can run that give diagnostic feedback, to help rate the usability of your hardware.

Also: I AM going to set up a non-prof now. I told my boss about the project, and he's helping me find industry professionals to serve as my board. I need to get some start-up capital first, though, since everyone has to be paid a straight salary or hourly wage (including myself). I found that if the project is solvent (that it can be self-funded), I just need to draft a charter, do my bylaws, and have a tangible goal and operating plan, like donating X% of systems to enrich the community, blah blah blah, corporate welfare, yadda yadda. That way, the rest can be sold, and from that all employees (me and anyone else that helps me) draw a salary, overhead is paid, and I can buy new components/software licenses when absolutely necessary (or to buy nicer used computers when I find a bargain).

I checked with the two pawn shops in the area (we don't really have computer junk stuff), and both want more than retail for used (unverified working) drives. Forget that. I'm hitting Goodwill tomorrow before deliveries get here.

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2008, 01:21:08 PM »
In case you haven't already heard about these guys...

Could be a good source to crib ideas from. IIRC, they have a wiki that the staff use to document problems and solutions, what worked/didn't work, etc. (both with the tech and the organization itself).
I am an internet haxor. I haxor the internet. It's a pretty good job, million a year plus bennies. So, yeah.
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Offline MattGSX

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Re: So I've started fixing up old computers
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2008, 11:11:52 AM »
That is a pretty sweet idea.

The deskpros, once stripped, and combined with components I didn't expect to get (last-minute dropoff), gave me 2 complete desktops, 650mhz PIII's, 128 mb ATI graphics card and SB sound card (on one), onboard sound video (on the other), 40-80 gb hdd's, and 256-512 mb ram. I also now have an additional 5 video cards, processors, fans, heatsinks, and all sorts of PCI devices (usb cards, etc, etc).

I'm still hard pressed for RAM and HDDs, but I have everything else in ready supply.

Note: I can't unlock my xbox drives. Unlocking them requires the password, which has to be obtained from the original system board off the Xbox or captured from the eeeprom of the system. Since I received these from broken machines (and I never got the systems themselves), I have 5 10gb paperweights, if anyone wants them.