Most cops either way you look at it are pretty dumb.
They do thieir job in spite of almost everything. For every 100 corrupt cops there is maybe 1 or 2 hard core policemen.
Its pretty much like that here in Winnipeg.
You have your old timers that are just super hard core and would ticket your ass for a broken tail light when all the newbies are out power trippin on some punk kid just walkin down the street mindin his own business drinking his pepsi boppin to the MP3 player mommy just bought him for his b-day.
Cops take action on kids because kids know absolute shit and get scared. Its a fuckin power trip.
I was in that position too. I got accused of hacking!
Needless to say I did it at home and this was supposedly when i was at school.
Its like they say... If the show fits wear it.
So I did a few years back when i nailed a Govt server and with my luck I saw the same 2 cops in the station that picked me up 11 yrs prior to that for the same damn thing.
Talk about Deja Vu!
I was even invited in for coffee and donuts
My ass has fallen off due to laughter.