I was going through some old files, and came across my telephone bill from January 2006.
This is the month that Verizon finally stopped putting up with my outright abuse of their business-class unlimited long distance plan. They totally ignored my contract term with them -- a one-year signed contract for unlimited long distance -- and billed me at their “FirmRate Plus†package rates.
The one-month phone bill totaled $10,558.80, and was mostly calls to the old 435 PLA Voice Bridge. (I used my call-transfer feature to place calls to the PLA Voice Bridge for other people)
Because of call-transfer and other features, I managed to use more long-distance minutes in that month than there were minutes in that month. January 16th even has two calls to the PLA that were over $600 each!
I complained and threatened them until I eventually got the bill down to under $1,000 and paid them off. Verizon Sucks.