I'm messing with shit today, sorry about the theme change. -RBCPI hate new things. -Murd0c
Talk about an idiot kid if he was really was calling in these threats. Either way on if he did it or not was an intresting read.http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/teenage-bomb-threat-suspect-was-an-internet-prank-phone-call-star/
I dont know how I didnt see the mp3 when reading the article. His mom is defintally going to have a hard time saying it was not him with the whole thing recorded. I was suprised how excited he was to get ahold of the police during the call.... i would think that might give you a ohh shit moment and not a celebration like he thought it was.
I remember I listened to this guy once when he spammed his vent on /b/. Prank calls are supposed to be fun, this guy gives prank callers a bad name.