Author Topic: Fart Stories  (Read 1424 times)

Offline MIB

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Fart Stories
« on: August 28, 2011, 04:53:46 PM »
Post them if you got them.

The earliest one I remember happened back in 1988. My uncle took me and 2 other relatives on his boat. I was standing at the middle of the boat near the helm and I was letting off some of the  Silent But Deadly types. I was doing doing this all day. When I told everyone about my deadly emissions, one of the relatives actually thought it was dead fish she was smelling.

Another time I let one go in sixth grade music class. In the class there was 3 rows of seats, the first two rows were occupied by students and the 3rd row was vacant. When I let it cut, everyone move to the third row.

Fast forward to 11th grade English. The teacher giving a lecture when a SBD hit. After the fallout everyone opened the windows to let the classroom air out I should mention that this was in the dead of winter. They went to the hallway. After ten minutes order was restored and they came back in. the English asked if I could go outside if I have to let loose.

Back when I was in tenth grade, a gas attack occurred in gym class. I let the SBD's loose and walked away from the "crime-scene". the next day I did this in English class which was right after gym class. The teach asked if I need to go to the hospital to have my stomach pumped. She also asked if I was the culprit who made the paint peel in gym.

Apparently the English and Gym teacher knew each other and figured out I was the phantom farter. News travels fast.

A couple time. I accompany my mom to the store I would let one loose and quietly walked. People coming into the aisle though she did it.

So after pulling some Dutch Ovens, share your fart stories.

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