Author Topic: Wrong Email Address  (Read 2715 times)

Offline chriskraus

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Wrong Email Address
« on: November 28, 2012, 07:39:28 PM »
I just got a long and really personal email from someone I don't know.
Any ideas of what to do with it.... ;)

Offline chriskraus

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Besides Posting it Here
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 07:41:12 PM »
12/08: She found it, I'm removing it.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 12:12:17 PM by chriskraus »

Offline murd0c

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Re: Wrong Email Address
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 08:57:59 AM »
Stupid fucking Long Islanders.

Offline chriskraus

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Re: Wrong Email Address
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 12:29:29 PM »
Okay, The original reason I took the email down was because she found it on Google (damn we got good PageRank, for the forum no less) and emailed me asking me to take it down. Well actually, she said I could take her name off of it. Since I have a request for it, I am reposting the original and second emails here.
Subject: Bulging Finger Muscles
From: Linda [LastName] <emailaddress>
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:02 PM

Hi Chris,

I type faster than I text so I figured I would respond to your text via email, plus it's easier for you to read. Ok, looking back I wrote too much. I will send this anyway but I understand if you can only respond to some of this.

Thank you for validating some of my observations/values. I appreciate the honesty and open mindedness. You mentioned how we'll always have to work on "fixing" things... if you mean that we'll always be growing, than I agree with that... growth is essential and some times it hurts, I don't always want to grow because I don't always want to struggle in all areas of my life so I choose baby steps in specific areas. I don't want our relationship to continually feel like work.. for the most part I just want to enjoy each other, but I do recognize that there are times when we will both need to stretch ourselves, and grow.   I think there are certain conditioned behaviors that we'll need to change individually and as a couple in order to function healthily, and luckily we are in this life together to support one another. Change is hard, but I know with us supporting one another that we can grow. Growth is the most important part for me, that's why (for the most part) I don't get competitive with where other people are in their lives (i.e marriages, jobs, houses etc), I strive to do better in all areas of my life (emotionally, spiritually, physically etc). This means that I also don't approach you from the mindset that I need to fix you, I approach you from the mindset that everything you present to me is an opportunity for me to learn a lesson and to grow, sometimes I can also learn to forgive myself or work through some things by supporting you through them  (there is one area that you remind me of myself a lot and I still haven't come to terms with this area so I don't know how to best support you... let's talk further about this). My personality is very much the typical "helper" personality... that means the ups and downs of that personality type.  My weak point is that as a "helper" I may try doing things for you because I want you to have it so badly (you caught onto this one time... that's when you thought that I was acting like your mom by creating an incentive for you get to  work on time). This is an area that I need to grow in, and I am learning to accept other people and allow others to do things for themselves (this trusts in their abilities). There are many up sides to my personality, it's pretty benevolent, giving, civic minded, relationship based, resourceful,  but this also translates into how I may want something so badly for you (something that I think would help you)  that you don't want for yourself. i need to accept that. I can offer a hand, and if the acceptee doesn't take it then it's out of my control (that's my lesson and area for growth). I would like to have a conversation with you about growth and areas where you feel strong and areas where you want to grow, and how all of this will affect us.  This leads into another discussion about giving/taking and finances...

Part of my personality is to be understanding (i.e. re. finances), and that didn't get me very far. I feel like that doesn't work well with your personality. As far as money goes, I don't understand anymore. I believe in you and your ability to budget your finances, plan in advance, cook for us (like I did when I couldn't spend too much money) etc. I will still give to you, but when we go out I expect that you pay. It shows responsibility. How would you take care of a family? Don't worry... I don't eat or drink a lot and I am a very considerate person, I would never take advantage... I will actually probably order less and cheaper items because you are paying. Plus I will appreciate anything and everything you give, even if it's at Mcdonald's. You would have thought that you gave me the world when you bought me chocolate coconut water (many of my friends heard about that one... I appreciated the thought and care). Just like Michael Buble's song I Haven't Met You Yet... you can be certain that it's in my nature "I'll give so much more than I get", I don't expect to go out every day but I also don't expect that I'll be cooking for you everyday (alternative is we could cook together). Just because I will have an apartment doesn't mean that I want to stop going on dates... obviously getting together will be more convenient but I hope that it doesn't breed complacency for either of us. Thank you for offering a night of tea and Charlie Brown Christmas. I am so excited :)

btw, I listened to Man Made Lakes yesterday, while soaking in the bathtub... maybe someday I can get a little live music action while I am in the bathtub.. what do you think? scrub a dub dub, I am jamming to live tunes in the tub ;)

On that note, I look forward to kissing you soon. btw, I will be close to you, in Ronkonkoma, for my 10 year old sisters' dance party on Friday.  Will you be around? I hope that I'll get to see you.


And the second email:

Subject: Fw: Bulging Finger Muscles
From: Linda [LastName] <emailaddress>
Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 3:06 PM


I know that I made a mistake and sent this to you accidentally. Could you please remove it from the phone loser forum, or take my name off of it? I know that it was a stupid mistake.

I am looking for employment and this is not what I want employers to see. I appreciate this.

Thank you.
