I'm doing this thing called Patreon, which you can
look at here, or
read about on phonelosers.org or
watch a video about on YouTube.
I need ideas for things that people want to see happen with PLA that I can put in the milestone goals on the Patreon page. So far the goals have been to buy a bunch of drops for the new prank call network (done), make a new PLA album (done), create a new PLA song (almost done), make new vinyl stickers for the Snow Plow Show, do another video based prank, phone mob another radio station, make a new episode of Telephone Falls and make a PLA album on vinyl.
What other things can I offer? The milestone offerings looking way too bare and I need to put stuff in there to trick people into donating. I've made a post
on PLA's Facebook group about this too and have stolen at least one idea from there.