Whenever I log on to PLA, I always go straight to the Prank forums (afetr downloading the podcast) and end up doing the same thing...spamming my own "goofs". One of my favorites is this call to C-SPAN where I discuss nanotechnology and its potential military applications.
http://www.thankyoufortakingmycall.com/mpeg/Nanites.wmvWhen I watch other prankers call C-SPAN and blurt dirty phrases or Howard Stern plugs, it makes me sad. It's easy enough to get on the air with them, and doing what they do is a waste of air time. Pranking C-SPAN is like shooting fish in a barrel or pranking Chinese restaurants...any fool can do it. What's much more interesting is leading the hosts down a path where they're not quite sure of the outcome. If you watch the show being pranked (Washington Journal, every weekday morning) you'll hear plenty of "legitimate" callers with wacky, tin-foil-hat ideas being given more attention than they deserve by the hosts.
You can check out cspan.org and see what guests are going to be on the next morning, do a little reasearch, and come up with a decent comment/question to give the screener. Once you're on the air, begin weaving your wackiness into the legitimate pre-screened comment and away you go. In the nanite call, I researched the guest and found out she was on a nanotechnology sub-committee. Even though the subject of the show was totally unrelated to this subject, I was able to captivate Rep Biggert with what she thought was a legitimate point.
If y'all get into phone pranking live TV shows, please come up with interesting directions to take your call and don't just talk about your penis.
Good luck!