There's tons to listen to, especially if you have a scanner (or ham radio) with a large receive range. The phone conversations you are finding are only 902-920 MHz, that is the range for the 900 MHz cordless phones (and, I think, the 33 cm ham band), a lot of people have been moving to 2.4 GHz and 5.x GHz phones recently, mostly because they like to jerk each other off about technology they don't know about (OMG MOR HERTZZZ!), especially in yuppie suburban areas. Usually you are able to find the older phones in larger cities with a good segment of older, established population. Lots of them hold on to their antiquated phones, but your best bet is 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz (they do make those really high frequency receivers, but generally the higher frequency the smaller workable range). The most that I've found recently in the 900 MHz band has been baby monitors (you can always monitor the going-ons of that household too, it's slightly amusing).
Plus, you have toooons of other shit to listen to with any decent scanner.