Not the Evolution, but their Slot-2 mini-SD device. I wanted something with writable RAM, and it's cheaper than the SUPERCARD SD (and it's essentially the same thing).
I got it for 34.99, installed the newest Supercard firmware on it, and had DSLinux + Memory Expansion running in about 20 minutes. Plus, in conjunction w/ a slot 1 card solution (R4, m3 simply) you can use the RAM off slot 2 to run the Opera Browser clean dump.
I'm also still using my MMD, at least until my g/f gets her DS, but only bc it allows for default boot files, while Supercard requires me to use it's default, non-skinnable firmware (ugh).
Anyone looking for a new slot-2 alternative should definitely consider getting one of these clones before Cyclo links them with their Evolution card and ups the price.