Are Rawley Valverde and Kathy Kronenberger still associated with Channel One? I never paid any of their propaganda much mind, but I remember that just the mention of those two names irritated me greatly.
The way they wired up my HS for Channel One, they drilled the hole for the cable and set up a wall jack just above the drop ceiling, then drilled another hole through the ceiling tiles and threaded the cable through it. Cable cutting was pretty common in my HS. Few teachers looked at it as anything more than an inconvenience. There was one, however, who treated it as the greatest crime any student could commit. One morning he was going off two known offenders, insisting that they were costing the school "thousands of dollars" in damages with what he wanted you to thing was domestic terrorism.
At most they had to replace a 3ft. length of coaxial cable that cost about $4.99.