Author Topic: Fun with wrong numbers  (Read 2026 times)

Offline MIB

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Fun with wrong numbers
« on: April 24, 2008, 11:50:07 AM »
There's many ways to have fun with people who call your number asking for some person that doesn't live there. Usually they stop calling when you tell them they have the wrong number. Then there are the people who call back repeatedly despite the fact you told them wrong number.

Then we have another group who mis-dial your number when they try to order pizza, get a taxi, reserve a hotel room etc

When they call, tell them the person they're looking for is dead or in jail. You can also say they are chained up in the basement and the ritual is about to begin in 5 minutes. I remember a movie Danny DeVito played in, I think it was Used People. In the movie he got alot of wrong number calls and delivered a perfect line, She busy at the moment you see she got my dick in her mouth and I'll have her call you back after she's all done *click*.

As for business calls if you get someone calling a pizza place and they alway get your line pretend to be the pizza place.

"We have 2 large pizzas with any toppings and a bottle of soda for $7.99. It will ready in 20 minutes."

"Why don't you get your ass and pick your food. We ain't delivering it."

Alternately take their name, address, phone # and order. Then call the real pizza parlor (or a different one) using their info but change the toppings or add more stuff to their order. Call 2 or 3 other pizza shops in town and give an order for delivering. You are gonna have to use payphone or a pre-paid cell phone for stunt. They will wondering why all these restaurants are bringing them food when they only called one.

In a book called "Don't get Mad, get Even", this guy said he had a phone number very similar to a shop that sold fireplace accessories. He figured that he spent about $50 worth of his time every three months politely redirecting calls to the shop. So he sent them an explanatory letter and a bill. They ignored him or told him to take a hike or something. So he started telling all such callers to hurry in, as today was their annual unadvertised sale for regular customers, everything 50% off.

After a while the fireplace shop caught on, paid him is $50, and he went back to politely referring people to the correct number.

How do you deal with wrong number callers?

« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 11:58:01 AM by MIB »
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Offline nova

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Re: Fun with wrong numbers
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 12:15:32 PM »
i signed up for a k7 account and it had someone elses voice greeting.everyday i keep getting messages about car dealerships. i called them up(they gave me a number different than what came up) and told them all of the things i was going to do to them if they didnt stop calling me
1)kick their ass
2)kill them
3)rape their wife
4)make hurricane katrina look like a wet firecracker
5)post their number on gay chatrooms
6)order them pizzas non stop
well, i never called them back, but a guy can dream cant they?

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Re: Fun with wrong numbers
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 10:17:32 AM »
I used to get Les Schwabb customers calling me all the time, checking on the status of their cars.  I told them crazy things, like their car had been stolen, wrecked, blown up, confiscated by the police, etc.  This was all back in 1996 and I was too lazy to record any of it.  There were some great calls, though.  Some of the customers would call back and threaten to kill me once they found out they'd gotten a wrong number.

When I get wrong numbers today, I just play along like I'm the person they're looking for.  Even if it's a female.  I don't get very many though, probably because my number is in some weird, new exchange that the cable company uses.

I remember a movie Danny DeVito played in, I think it was Used People. In the movie he got alot of wrong number calls and delivered a perfect line, She busy at the moment you see she got my dick in her mouth and I'll have her call you back after she's all done *click*.

That was the movie Ruthless People.  I love that movie.

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Re: Fun with wrong numbers
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 08:32:34 PM »
I was the manager of a computer store for a few years and we'd receive some weird fucking calls.  I don't know if people are this retarded or if there was an auto parts store that had a number very similar to ours but I'd get people calling up asking for automobile parts a lot.  I'd usually just ask them if they meant a computer part that sounded reasonably similar and quote them the price anyway, even though I full well knew what they were really after.  But I figured I wouldn't have to be the one to explain to them that the part they wanted is way more expensive than I told them on the phone. 

Looking back on it though, people are that retarded.  I once had to explain color coding to a guy once for a set of speakers he bought from us.  Now, don't get me wrong, I've explained color coding to a lot of people, but not at this level.  I told him he needed to plug the speakers into the green port and showed him the back of a computer.  He got all frustrated and asked which one the green one was.  And no, he was not color blind.  Actually, my co-worker at the time was and he admitted that even being color blind you can tell grayscales enough to identify the colors correctly 9 times out of 10. 
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