My buddy just bought a shitty old cavalier for like $600. Runs really good and there is no rust which is decent I'd say. So the other night I was thinking...
Its purple, I mean of all things a purple car like WTF right?
So I figured if I could get some bright green finger paint almost like the green on Barney the Dinosaur
I'd paint green dots on his car and make it look like a Barney car.
It obviously has to be able to be washed off though, and maybe take a picture of it after the fact.
I was also pondering the idea of getting up really early that morning and phoning him to tell him as I was driving
I saw his car all vandalized so I decided to call him and tell him. Now seeing as though I have a video cam on my phone I was gonna record his reaction to the whole thing right after the phone call and post it on YouTube!
Anybody have any other ideas that may be good for a laugh.