I'm your crazy phone technician- so im giving LIMITED DETAILS on to social engineer the system and to exposes a flawed
security system. which would get you into the persons email, username data etc. I'll go as far as I can without breaking any rulez
This usually is a security flaw found from most companies verifying account information by the mac address.
1. all a person needs is an unshared or cracked wifi network next to them and needs to connect to that network
2. goto the modems internal IP address
3. login (not giving any pw's) if you are familar with pw's with motorola modems, linksys,
scientific atlanta, etc- you should figure this out very quickly.
4. once you log in get the MAC address from the internal page
5. find out who's router your looking at and take a peak at there snail mail for there name and information
6. call up the cable phone voip company and tell them you lost your password to the email, or username, etc, or want to add service.- verify with the mac that you found on the internal modem page, and advise the tech you are that person who's name your on the bill- and the internet yellow pages is fairly easy to look up the persons phone number to verify other account information
7. if the technician doesnt verify anything else- he is not doing his job and just gave you the keys to the email/usernames/goods to that wifi neighbor of yours.