Author Topic: YAPC|10  (Read 1824 times)

Offline trevelyn

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« on: June 22, 2009, 08:01:33 AM »
Well, I slept in and missed Larry Wall's talk.   At least i made it here after last night.  Anyways i walked around CMU looking for the place and ended up in the basement of the computer science dept to find out that it was clear on the other side of campus!  I get here and get a cheesy little badge (didn't ask for id), a t-shirt, and a printed book that lists the various talks in the 3 different conf rooms in this building.  I was allowed inet acces to IRC, but no one was on. 

The next talk is at 1pm and actually there are 3 so i have to choose one, so i chooooose.....

"CPAN a big enough lever to install the world" by Has Dieter Pearcey.

This is quite an expensive con to be so unorganised and cheesy feeling, maybe i just missed a lot this morning i dunno.  I am taking pics though, so LOOK OUT! :P

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Re: YAPC|10
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 08:08:16 AM »
Try not to hax0r the hotel's network room while you're there.

Offline trevelyn

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Re: YAPC|10
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 02:57:01 PM »
Try not to hax0r the hotel's network room while you're there.

hahaha, the bus ride from my house to the conf is 25 minutes, so i am just sleeping at home this time.

Anyways, The Hans Dieter Pearcey talk about CPAN was alright. 

Then i went to Patrick Michaud's talk about RegExp's (which have changed in Perl 6 BTW.) and stayed for his "hacking Rakudo" talk which was cool.  Actually he was the best talk i saw all day. 

Then i went to Abigail's talk on "Test::Regexp" - It was alright (quick only  20 minutes) and can barely make out what he was saying cos he was from amsterdam er sumn. 

Then i saw Walt Mankowski's "SQLite Functions, Aggregators, and Collators"  and he was like on speed.  he had only 20 minutes and like crammed tons of stuff, and was skimming his own ppt scripts so i was instantly lost and actually ducked out early because of a cool talk called "Intro to Moose"

There was "food" announced in the upper registration room, which was PACKED with people and they gave us bananas, some cookies, and bottles of water.  ???

I got to Intro to Moose to find a dude in front of the room who couldn't figure out how to set his text/screen size for the projector, he couldn't get the microphone to work so he just yelled, and it turns out that he wasn't actually the speaker (Devin Austin) he was a substitute, who had no idea what to say and just said "Just ask me some questions and i can answer them for you."


maybe they will give everyone their monies back at the end of the conf and say they were kidding about charging us $150.

Seriously, this is not organized AT ALL, like i should have not paid for my ticket, cos there is ZERO security, and the badges are even lamer than hell.  Just a printed piece of paper in a clear ID holder.

I did wear my PLA shirt today though and a lot of people read it <3

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Re: YAPC|10
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 04:55:57 AM »
well, the second day was better than the first i guess.  The talks were better at least.  It's quite inspiring to be around all the Perl stuff at once.  Everyone i saw had either a macbook (new) with linux on it, a netbook with linux on it or an ibm with linux on it.  Was so weird to see all of that since my day-in day-out job is to fix fucked windows laptops. 

i relly liked matt trouts talk about standardizations.  he cuss's a lot when he talks in this raspy British accent and he blasts microsoft over and over again, out of what you can easily tell, is pure frustration.  Well, i met a bunch of people, saw a lot of good talks and got 2 shirts that don't fit me (they actually ran out of LG, even though they had time to plan since they ask you your shirt size when you pay for the tickets months ahead of time), and i got to browse the comic book stores and eat in great food places around Oakland where Pitt Uni, and CMU reside.

so i kinda had fun.  I have tons of images i need to re-size and upload later today or tomorrow.  I guess i cannot use the weaknet photobucket acct, as the 5 fucking images i did upload about the "telco frame" somehow ate 22GB of bandwidth and they only give you 25GB now per month i guess according to their email to my phone.  I'll post a link.

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Re: YAPC|10
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 01:15:45 PM »
well, the second day was better than the first i guess.  The talks were better at least.  It's quite inspiring to be around all the Perl stuff at once.  Everyone i saw had either a macbook (new) with linux on it, a netbook with linux on it or an ibm with linux on it.  Was so weird to see all of that since my day-in day-out job is to fix fucked windows laptops. 
What distro(s)?

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Offline trevelyn

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Re: YAPC|10
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2009, 04:33:06 AM »
eh, that would have required me to socialize with people that weren't form the PLA, i just couldn't check the distros. :(