Well, I created a page with links to applications I have pre-compiled (deb's) for my OS. I am offering all themes and images too for free, so people who don't use WNLA4 can use those too, if they like.
I will be uploading kernel headers there and such. If anyone makes a hacking tutorial using WNLAv4, you can add the link I provide here:
This release is fucking insane. It is probably the best thing I have ever made in my life. I have spent weeks jamming and cramming and smashing stuff down to fit onto a single CD. WNLA3 lite was downloaded 29,957 times from my server alone and 2,663 from Softpedia. That puts it over 30k times. This one, WNLA4 WEAKERTHAN, I swear is a god compared to the last release.
May 5th, Cinco De Mayo, Twenty Ten. Be there, 9pm.